Check out The Foally of Man, a podcast featuring Chris the Brony and Robert the non-Brony as they explore Fallout: Equestria chapter by chapter. Watch/listen on
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This first started as a joke with the PH comment crew, but eh. I went ahead and wrote it for... some reason.
So yeah, if you know of Project Horizons, know of Xanthe and the stealth suit.... yeah, it pretty much is that, I went there.
A quite quick job, but overall works. Turns out to be hard to give character to a barely explored character. Least when it comes to things like this. (and especially for a animated suit...)
Ah well, if you find it appealing to read about females receiving sexual stimulation from a tight body suit, then go right ahead.
Thumbnail borrowed from: did ask for permission... like some months back. Think they wanted a link to their tumblr... ah, whatever, It's too late (irl wise) for me to think of these things.
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