[WARNING: HomagePip toaster/toaster repairpony sexual role-play]
When the great battles have been won, the past leaves its scars. It catches up with you, threatening to crush you with guilt, pain of loss, and heart-breaking sorrow. Littlepip knows it only too well. What she also knows is that your loved one can help you deal with any issue, any problem, by any means. Homage has a... peculiar way of dealing with issues, sometimes. A firm believer in the healing power of orgasms, the DJ has an idea. An idea that may change her, and Littlepip's, life. Or, at least, their sexual life. Or, just lead to a night of kinky role-play. In any way, it is worth a try, right?
/This story is set in the universe of [url=http://www.fimfiction.net/story/119190/fallout-equestria]Fallout: Equestria[/url] several years after the events of the Fo:E chapter [i]Epilogue[/i]. Yes, Kkat has graciously given me permission to use her characters in this story. No, this story is by no means canon or connected to the main storyline of the original [i]Fallout: Equestria[/i].
This story was inspired by the worderful picture by [url=http://king-koder.deviantart.com]King-Koder[/url] that I'm using as cover art. Show the artist some love!
Edited by [url=http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Syvvak]Syvvak[/url]