Check out The Foally of Man, a podcast featuring Chris the Brony and Robert the non-Brony as they explore Fallout: Equestria chapter by chapter. Watch/listen on YouTube, Libsyn, Twitter, and PodBean.
Saturday, January 18th, 2014
Last Update:
Saturday, December 21st, 2013
Dark, Crossover, Adventure, Alternate Universe
The Equestrian Wasteland. A term used for the remains of Equestria followed the balefire bombing and the after-effects of the Mega-spells. Water and food are scarce. Ammunition and weapons are plenty, but in poor shape. Many warring factions are scattered across Equestria, thus making life as an ordinary pony very difficult. Then, Dusk pops into the equation. A young filly, devoid of memories, finds himself in a lonesome home in the middle of a town being assaulted by raiders. He doesn't know what's happening, but he does know that he must escape. As he wanders through the wastes, he will realize that he will need more than just a sidearm and luck to survive. Both allies and his wit will be needed.

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