Throughout her four-decade long life, Vault Skin has been a rather common Earth Pony mare working as a master of none for anypony paying her enough caps to live another day. However, a well-paid job will awaken a dark scheme from before the Apocalypse which consequences stretch up to our current blood-soaked epoch, eighteen years after the balefire engulfed the world.
[b]Co-written with[/b] [url=]Unrest[/url]
[b]Advised by[/b] [url=]Sophos[/url]
[b]Edited by[/b] [url=]Phoenix Archangel[/url] & [url=]Icudeadnow[/url]
[b]Thanks to[/b] Kkat, Somber, Mimezinga, No_One, Unrest, Novus Draconis, and Vincent Brugeas for being constant sources of inspiration