Check out The Foally of Man, a podcast featuring Chris the Brony and Robert the non-Brony as they explore Fallout: Equestria chapter by chapter. Watch/listen on YouTube, Libsyn, Twitter, and PodBean.
Friday, March 14th, 2014
Last Update:
Monday, August 1st, 2016
Dark, Adventure
Updraft, a pegasus from the small town of Desert Springs, never expected much out of life. She enjoyed her easy guard duty, and lived happily despite never knowing her real parents. But of course the wasteland never allows such good things to last, so she adventures through the wasteland to see if friendship really can save ponies from each other, and themselves.

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Icon Font is provided by [url=]Font Awesome[/url] [url=]Bootstrap[/url] is used for layout. Littlepip, Homage, and Velvet Remedy censor images created by Astroty. Thank you! Developers, there is an API on this site, please don't abuse it too much...