The PNP LFG thread "looking for game"
Re: The PNP LFG thread "looking for game"
Forum Name: NitoKa
IRC Chat name: NitoKa
Preferred Rule-set: Any is cool
Timezone: EST Gmt- 5 i believe
character list: Not gonna include it because I have A LOT of characters. Otherwise I'd probably be making a new one
Preferred Game Times: Mondays and tuesdays, any time really is cool as long as on tuesday it doesn't go longer than 12 AM Cause I have work the next day
Best Pony: (not required) Still Rarity.
IRC Chat name: NitoKa
Preferred Rule-set: Any is cool
Timezone: EST Gmt- 5 i believe
character list: Not gonna include it because I have A LOT of characters. Otherwise I'd probably be making a new one
Preferred Game Times: Mondays and tuesdays, any time really is cool as long as on tuesday it doesn't go longer than 12 AM Cause I have work the next day
Best Pony: (not required) Still Rarity.
- KendallKun
- Posts: 40
- Joined: Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:33 pm
- Location: Torpoint, England
Re: The PNP LFG thread "looking for game"
Forum Name: KendallKun
IRC Chat name: KendallKun
Preferred Rule-set: Revised Ruleset, Mad Modd's Ruleset, Zeph's ruleset
Timezone: 0GMT
character list: Murmur, Lucky Wrench (retired), Blunt Edge and Warm Smiles. Will be making a new character for any other games.
Preferred Game Times: Wednesday 11pm onwards, Sunday 11pm Onwards
IRC Chat name: KendallKun
Preferred Rule-set: Revised Ruleset, Mad Modd's Ruleset, Zeph's ruleset
Timezone: 0GMT
character list: Murmur, Lucky Wrench (retired), Blunt Edge and Warm Smiles. Will be making a new character for any other games.
Preferred Game Times: Wednesday 11pm onwards, Sunday 11pm Onwards
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Tue Dec 24, 2013 11:25 pm
Re: The PNP LFG thread "looking for game"
Forum Name: Ask18Carrot
IRC Chat name: InkwellTailbrush/Ask18Carrot
Preferred Rule-set: Fallout Equestria KKat... whatever... thingie. Honestly, fairly open to possibilities. A little Burnt Out on D&D/Pathfinder at the moment.
Timezone: Arizona Time (Currently Pacific)
character list:
18 Carrot, Radscorpion Pie, currently unnamed Necromancer Wannabe.
Preferred Game Times: Tuesday, Thursday or particularly Friday.
Best Pony: Rarity
IRC Chat name: InkwellTailbrush/Ask18Carrot
Preferred Rule-set: Fallout Equestria KKat... whatever... thingie. Honestly, fairly open to possibilities. A little Burnt Out on D&D/Pathfinder at the moment.
Timezone: Arizona Time (Currently Pacific)
character list:
18 Carrot, Radscorpion Pie, currently unnamed Necromancer Wannabe.
Preferred Game Times: Tuesday, Thursday or particularly Friday.
Best Pony: Rarity
Re: The PNP LFG thread "looking for game"
Forum name: LuckyLeaf
IRC Chat name: LuckyLeaf/SpiritOfFate
Timezone: BRT (GMT -3, currently in summertime BRST)
Rule-Set: Fate Core
PNP Experience:
Played a bunch of FoE games (Haywire, Steel Innocence, Sunshine Blues, Silky Shackles, Ley Ray x2), Fate Core, Savage Worlds, new World of Darkness and Dungeons and Dragons 3rd ed.
GMd a Savage World campaign and a number of WoD one-offs. GMing a FoE campaign (G0)
Game Notes:
The Trotting Dead: MLP era, zombie apocalypse game
Players [3/5]
Wednesdays, around 22 PM GMT.
Check your local time since I'm from the southern hemisphere and the summertime may be mismatched
IRC Chat name: LuckyLeaf/SpiritOfFate
Timezone: BRT (GMT -3, currently in summertime BRST)
Rule-Set: Fate Core
PNP Experience:
Played a bunch of FoE games (Haywire, Steel Innocence, Sunshine Blues, Silky Shackles, Ley Ray x2), Fate Core, Savage Worlds, new World of Darkness and Dungeons and Dragons 3rd ed.
GMd a Savage World campaign and a number of WoD one-offs. GMing a FoE campaign (G0)
Game Notes:
The Trotting Dead: MLP era, zombie apocalypse game
Players [3/5]
- DontAskForCookies
- NitoKa
- Tennisdude9993
- The High Concept is replaced by Cutie Mark, which is represented by a picture
- There will be Skills reflecting the capabilities of the Pony races
- There will be a Supplies Stress Track: It represents food, bullets, fuel, medicine and comfort items that soothe the horror out of your mind.
- It will receive a bonus from Resources: Average (+1) or Fair (+2) gives you a 3-point stress box, Good (+3) and Great (+4) also add a 4-point stress box. It only represents your initial preparation and tools, but bits can no longer buy support and survival.
- It can be used to Create Advantages as the tools you have.
- If used as Overcome to trade for someone's support, your Resources skill is permanently reduced by one, transfering that point to the target as you forfeit one of your tools and packs to them.
- Using the Shoot or Drive skill depletes it (fighting zombies close is less costly, but also more dangerous)
- It can also be used to remove Stress and Consequences
- One unit clears out both Physical and Mental Tracks
- Two points for each Consequence downgrade. They will not disappear without expenditure, and even then will need as much time as the rules dictate after the cost is paid.
- It will receive a bonus from Resources: Average (+1) or Fair (+2) gives you a 3-point stress box, Good (+3) and Great (+4) also add a 4-point stress box. It only represents your initial preparation and tools, but bits can no longer buy support and survival.
- Earth Pony
- Overcome: The Earth Pony skill can be used to traverse natural environment threats.
- Create an Advantage: The Earth Pony skill can create an advantage to allow the restoration of Physical and Mental Stress by harvesting, as long as it's possible to find edible vegetables. Regularly tending to a zone of soil for a month can create a crop field to provide Stress restoration for the number of ponies equal to the shifts exceeding the passive opposition.
- Attack: The Earth Pony skill can't normally be used to attack.
- Defend: The Earth Pony skill can't normally be used to defend.
- Passive: The Earth Pony skill can be used instead of Physique to determine the number of Physical Stress boxes.
- Pegasus
- Overcome: The Pegasus skill can be used to overcome weather conditions.
- Create an Advantage: The Pegasus skill can create weather based advantages.
- Attack: The Pegasus skill can't normally be used to attack.
- Defend: The Pegasus skill can be used to defend as long as there is open space.
- Passive: The Pegasus skill allows the user to fly and move into aerial zones.
- Unicorn
- Overcome: The Unicorn skill can be used to move objects. For each zone between the Unicorn and the target, 1 Mental Stress is self-inflicted and +2 is added to the opposition.
- Create an Advantage: The Unicorn skill can be used to create illumination advantages. The Unicorn skill can also be used for the Telekinesis advantage, allowing any physical manipulation skill (Craft, Fight, Burglary...) to be used from a distance. The advantage costs one Mental Stress for zone each turn it is used, and adds +2 to the opposition per zone as well.
- Attack: The Unicorn skill can't normally be used to attack.
- Defend: The Unicorn skill can't normally be used to defend.
- Passive: The Unicorn skill can be used instead of Will to determine the number of Mental Stress boxes.
- Other species may be added by request.
- Nature
- Overcome: The Nature skill can be used to traverse natural environment threats.
- Create an Advantage: The Nature skill can create an advantage to allow the restoration of Physical and Mental Stress by harvesting, as long as it's possible to find edible vegetables. Regularly tending to a zone of soil for a month can create a crop field to provide Stress restoration for the number of ponies equal to the shifts exceeding the passive opposition. The Nature skill can also be used to Create Advantages using natural resources.
- Attack: The Nature skill can be used as a Mental attack against animals.
- Defend: The Nature skill can't normally be used to defend.
- Urbanscaping
- Overcome: The Urbanscaping skill can be used to overcome rubble, barricades and other pony made obstacles instead of Athletics. It can also be used instead of Notice or Investigate for scavenging. It can also be used as a knowledge roll to know about uncommonly used paths and locations.
- Create an Advantage: The Urbanscaping skill can be used to create advantages such as barricades to impede the entrance into zones.
- Attack: The Urbanscaping skill can't normally be used to attack.
- Defend: The Urbanscaping skill can't normally be used to defend.
- Lore is removed from this game
- Ponyville/Little-Country-Town-That-Is-Totally-Not-Ponyville
- Less population
- Wilderness around the corner - Manehattan
- More population
- More resources - Canterlot
- Heavily militarized
- Isolated - Others, open to suggestion
Wednesdays, around 22 PM GMT.
Check your local time since I'm from the southern hemisphere and the summertime may be mismatched
I found my shades!
- DontAskForCookies
- Posts: 185
- Joined: Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:52 pm
Re: The PNP LFG thread "looking for game"
In regards to the the above post ^
If your interested check it out.

If your interested check it out.

Re: The PNP LFG thread "looking for game"
Forum Name: Sawyer13
IRC Chat name: Sawyer (sometimes Storm_Rider)
Preferred Rule-set: ... rw5EU/edit
Timezone: Pacific Standard
character list: Sawyer
Preferred Game Times: Really anytime.
IRC Chat name: Sawyer (sometimes Storm_Rider)
Preferred Rule-set: ... rw5EU/edit
Timezone: Pacific Standard
character list: Sawyer
Preferred Game Times: Really anytime.
- BackwardsCompatible
- Posts: 31
- Joined: Thu Jan 09, 2014 6:19 pm
- Location: Texas
Re: The PNP LFG thread "looking for game"
Forum Name: Myrkr-Numen
IRC Chat name: (Usually) same as forum name
Preferred Rule-set: Uh...any I guess...still rather new to FoE XD
Timezone: Central US (GMT -6 I think, sounds about right)
Characters not bold/underlined are 'retired' for various reasons
Character list: Myrkr Numen | Green Pearl
Preferred Game Times: Any time after around 5pm Central, Mon-Fri, and all day sat/sunday
Best Pony: Green Pearl
IRC Chat name: (Usually) same as forum name
Preferred Rule-set: Uh...any I guess...still rather new to FoE XD
Timezone: Central US (GMT -6 I think, sounds about right)
Characters not bold/underlined are 'retired' for various reasons
Character list: Myrkr Numen | Green Pearl
Preferred Game Times: Any time after around 5pm Central, Mon-Fri, and all day sat/sunday
Best Pony: Green Pearl
Last edited by BackwardsCompatible on Sat Jan 11, 2014 12:52 am, edited 6 times in total.
- Undostrescuatro
- Posts: 25
- Joined: Thu Nov 28, 2013 9:06 pm
Re: The PNP LFG thread "looking for game" ... s/viewform
i.m looking for players and i made this form for a brief informaiton on the campaign. if you are interested give me a call. i am a new gm so i am a bit lenient on the rules at the now. and as i lean and apply the rules the game will become more streamlined. it will be played purely by text and in right now we have 3 characters, a combat medic zebra mare, a full combat protection, and a non combat skill focused earth pony mare. the game takes place after FOE as the clouds make way to the new sky, which means an era of pegasus immigration and conflict.
a good English is not required, but an effort is appreciated.
anyway check the link and if you are interested fill the form or get in contact with me trough pms or trough my steam.
have fun.
i.m looking for players and i made this form for a brief informaiton on the campaign. if you are interested give me a call. i am a new gm so i am a bit lenient on the rules at the now. and as i lean and apply the rules the game will become more streamlined. it will be played purely by text and in right now we have 3 characters, a combat medic zebra mare, a full combat protection, and a non combat skill focused earth pony mare. the game takes place after FOE as the clouds make way to the new sky, which means an era of pegasus immigration and conflict.
a good English is not required, but an effort is appreciated.
anyway check the link and if you are interested fill the form or get in contact with me trough pms or trough my steam.
have fun.
Re: The PNP LFG thread "looking for game"
Wow, it's hard to think it's been over a year since I last posted here. Oh well, badly in need of a new game now that previous games have ended and don't appear to be coming back.
Forum Name: Sev
IRC Chat name: Sev
Preferred Rule-set: Any, but most experience with Kkat with some light mods to rules such as implementation of Official Fallout Formulas and house rules that my old groups I was part of worked on collectively as we played.
Timezone: (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (Colorado)
Character list: Sevraz Felfeather, Stealthy Griffon Merc, Coyote Pepper, Cocky Pegasi Cowpony, Lunar Remedy, Smart-arse Unicorn Medic, able to make new character as game requires.
Preferred Game Times: Afternoons and nights my time are best time, but am open to earlier times with a warning ahead of time for those surprise early morning games; am generally open to whenever is good for the group though and very flexible as I don't have a job at the moment.
Best Pony: Murky for sure~
Forum Name: Sev
IRC Chat name: Sev
Preferred Rule-set: Any, but most experience with Kkat with some light mods to rules such as implementation of Official Fallout Formulas and house rules that my old groups I was part of worked on collectively as we played.
Timezone: (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (Colorado)
Character list: Sevraz Felfeather, Stealthy Griffon Merc, Coyote Pepper, Cocky Pegasi Cowpony, Lunar Remedy, Smart-arse Unicorn Medic, able to make new character as game requires.
Preferred Game Times: Afternoons and nights my time are best time, but am open to earlier times with a warning ahead of time for those surprise early morning games; am generally open to whenever is good for the group though and very flexible as I don't have a job at the moment.
Best Pony: Murky for sure~
- Seraph-Colak
- Posts: 34
- Joined: Sat Oct 19, 2013 1:38 pm
Re: The PNP LFG thread "looking for game"
Forum Name: Seraph-Colak
IRC Chat name: Bright Heart
Preferred Rule-set: Any
Timezone: PST -8
character list: Begeerte, Lunar Impact, Risky Prize, Grimm Dark, Burning Myth
Preferred Game Times: Saturdays Any time after my other game which usually ends around 10am
Best Pony: (not required)
IRC Chat name: Bright Heart
Preferred Rule-set: Any
Timezone: PST -8
character list: Begeerte, Lunar Impact, Risky Prize, Grimm Dark, Burning Myth
Preferred Game Times: Saturdays Any time after my other game which usually ends around 10am
Best Pony: (not required)