X-Trot (non-FoE) Now looking for new player!

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X-Trot (non-FoE) Now looking for new player!

Post by DontAskForCookies » Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:36 pm

Welcome to the world of X-Trot!

Here the Dungeons and Dragons setting of X-crawl, where players take on the roll of professional athletes who compete in the ultimate spectator sport of dungeon crawling, collides head on with Pathfinder and its third party supplement of Ponyfinder to create a exciting new experience.

This is a placeholder while I compile setting info together for players from the multiple books I am using to fabricate this game. As such players should consider this uncompleted till I say otherwise, ill be updating in chunks guys.

Currently this game is not open for new players!
Feel free to linger and watch but at this moment we are limiting the player base to those who are already signed on to play.

Welcome to the Magical world of Equestria, we have had a long history marked with times of both light ant darkness that has shaped us into the modern world we reside in today. World wars, magical catastrophes, civil unrest, advances in technology and magic, we have withstood it all and stand proud and strong. Our armies patrol the borders as our royal family guide us and handle foreigners to our lands. Certainly there are problems, what society docent? But who has time to worry about the separation of classes, growing racial tensions, or problems abroad with other kingdoms when you have the nations favorite past time on your television, X-TROT!

X-Trot has not be around for long but already it has found its way into the hearts and minds of the ponies of equestria. It reminds them of a time long ago when gods walked the earth and protected them, of time of glory and honor. Also its just a damn good time to watch your favorite trotter bash in a changeling skull.

So strap on you favorite set of armor, sharpen your swords, and make sure to smile for the camera.
All of Equestria is watching, give em a show they wont forget!

Characters Start at Lev. 3 and have 2000 starting gold bits to spend.
we will use the point buy system from Pathfinder with 20 points, the high fantasy setting.
Meet up at: XTrot and XTrotooc
Last edited by DontAskForCookies on Thu Sep 25, 2014 7:46 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: X-Trot (non-Fallout Equestria)

Post by DontAskForCookies » Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:36 pm

"House Rules"
"Hooves and Realism"
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Players whos characters have hooves and are quadrupeds are allowed to handle small objects with hooves and are presumed to have a minor griping ability with them. Items like potions, vials, coin purses, and other such things fall into this category. Larger things such as weapons can be naturally held using both for-hooves, forcing the character to use there two legged speed as they walk on there back hooves.

If a character wishes to wield a weapon with one hoof or hopes to duel wield they can use something called a "Cup Brace" which replaces the hilt of a weapon with a cup like opening that a pony may slide his or her hooves in. These cost no extra coin in price but it dose cost 50 gold bits to convert a weapon from its standard form to the Cup Brace.
Players are allowed to choose from the following races which can be found in the "Ponyfinder" rule book.
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Allowed Races:
  • PonyKind
    Gem Pony
    Leather Wing
All the Classes from Pathfinder may be used for creating your characters save for the "Gunslinger" class as firearms are prohibited from official X-Trot events.

In addition to the skills from Pathfinder you have an additional two skills which are "Drive" (Dex), and "Knowledge: X-Trot" (INT).

Players may select Feats from Pathfinder, Ponyfinder, and X-Crawl rule books.

Deities worshiped in the setting are those listed in the "Ponyfinder" rule book but for our purposes most of there names are being changed to reflect there MLP equivalents. For the convenience sake they are re-listed below with there new names in quotations and there old in Parentheses along with there alignment.
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Good Deities
  • "Twilight" (previously: Princess Luminance) - LG
    "Celestia" (previously: The Sun Queen) - NG
    "Luna" (previously: Moon Princess) - CG
Neutral Deities
  • "Faust the Author" (previously: Shelia the Author) - N
    "Discord" (previously: Unspoken) - CN
Evil Deities
  • "The Nightmare" (Name same as listed) - LE
    "Chrysalis" (previously: Kara) - NE
(The only notable change form the listed Deities in the "Ponyfinder" rule book is a alignment shift from Lawful Good to Chaotic Good.)
"New Rules"
The following rules are being incorporated from the X-Crawl setting.

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Fame is a numeral representation of your characters popularity that falls between one and one hundred, the higher the number the more well known your character is. With higher fame your character is more likely to be recognized in the street, can demand more money for personal appearances, and is more likely to get his or her hooves on lucrative corporate sponsorship for you and possibly your whole team. In addition to this there may be times during the game where you can trade in fame for immediate benefits such as gaining audience with ponies of importance or even getting the law to look the other way.

For every 10 points of fame you have accumulated over your carrier you receive a +1 bonus to various actions both in game and out which include but are not limited to:
  • Charisma checks to manipulate fans (note, not everyone is a fan and this is up to GM discretion)
    "Grandstanding" or "Mugging" attempts
    Rolls to see if your character receives any sort of Sponsorship or other such special offers between X-Crawl events.
In short Fame is highly useful, it is however important to note that Fame can be a double edged sword. Being recognized when you would rather not be noticed or even picking up the odd stalker or two.

Fame is gained in various ways but is most likely to be accumulated for winning X-Trot events or playing your public image to the press. Particularly memorable actions in game may warrant additional fame for your character, likewise it is also possible to loose fame for poor performances or acting out of character.

Players start with Charisma modifier + 1d6 Fame
"GrandStanding" and "Mugging"
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"GrandStanding" and "Mugging" are simply special new uses for your Perform skill that can be performed untrained that can net you more fame. Grandstanding is playing to a live crowd and giving the audience in the stands a good show while Mugging is the more subtle art to playing to the camera and the viewing ponies at home. The GM may assign bonuses as he sees fit from such things as a player scoring a crit the turn before, completing a particularly hard room, or even performing in ones home town. While Grandstanding DC may change from event to event the DC for Mugging is always 20.

Some characters even go so far as to create there own unique signature methods of Grandstanding, doing so bestows a +2 to your check if you utilize it in your perform check. Players may create such a Grandstanding moves by using the same technique three events in a row. These moves are varied and often become cemented in the public image of the character, fans will stop you on the street to ask you to perform it and every talk show host expects you to flaunt it as you walk on set for your interview.
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As the old saying gos: "Teamwork makes the dream work". What we will term as "Friendship" in our game can be found in the X-Crawl book as "Mojo" which is a measurement of that mysterious (some might even say magical even) connection shared between teammates. Friendship is a pool of points from zero to twelve.

Before each X-Trot event a six sided dice is rolled to determine the teams starting pool of Friendship points. Modifiers such as having the crowd on your side, A rousing pre game speech from the team captain, or victory in your last X-trot event may give boosts to this starting pool of Friendship points. Over the course of a event you may earn or even loose points based on your behavior as determined by the gm.

At any point during an event when a D20 roll which is not a save is called for a players team mates may ellect to spend a number of Friendship points to boost the roll, this must be decided before the roll is made and not after. You can never ask for points to be used for yourself and can only offer them to other players. All players share the same pool of Friendship points.
"Destiny" and "Chokeing"
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When a player adds Friendship points to his D20 roll in an X-Trot event he always has the chase to have a Destiny or Choke moment.

A Destiny moment is when a player rolls a natural 20 when Friendship points have been spent on the roll, such moments are highlights that will be remembered for years to come. Not only do you automatically succeed at your task but you do not subtract the spent Friendship points as well as adding an additional Friendship point to your teams pool. Destiny almost certainly earns you fame and may even qualify you for some sort of award at the end of the season.

Choke is the opposite where a player rolls a natural 1 when friendship points have been spent. Not only do you loose the points you spent on the roll but two additional friendship points as well. You can also probably look forward to loosing some measure of fame on top of having to look at your mistake over and over again on most channels weekly gag real.
"Signature Move"
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When Performed properly a Signature move is not only a potent maneuver to get a advantage on your opponents in an event but also a real crowd pleaser. While originally a novelty Signature moves are becoming more and more popular in X-Trot as players create increasingly outlandish and memorable moves. Signature moves are composed of three different stages that play out over three turns, these actions are defined when a player creates his or her signature move.

The first stage is known as the "call" that can be anything from hand signals, a skill check such as acrobatics, or even creative use of prestidigitation, almost anything can work so long as it announces to the crowd that you are about to launch your signature move. A call is a full round action. Next you have your first and second actions which can be any combination of attacks, skills, or spells. The only limiting factor is you cannot have the actions duplicate itself.

Using your signature move will not only potentially net you fame points but also gives you a +2 bonus to attacks, skill checks, and Save DC's for spells which represent your practice at this particular move. Signature moves are a heavy investment and cost players 1000xp to create it, players are urged to work with the gm to come up with interesting and new combinations for there own Signature moves.
"Rules of X-Crawl"

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Players begin play with 2,000 gold to spend on equipment. Beyond this starting gold players are expected to only spend there X-Trot winnings for equipment used in official events, any additional gold earned from public appearances are not allowed to be used for equipment in game. The only other ways to acquire new allowed in events are to either craft them yourself, earn them as prizes, or sign on for sponsorship deals that provide gear.

It is also important to note that each DJ is different in what they will and will not allow in a given trot, expect the occasional restriction on some items while others are officially baned by the adventures guild. Banned equipment includes power tools, firearms, and most explosives.
"NPC's and NOGO"
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There will be judges and other ponies inside a dungeon that are labeled as NPC's, such characters are there to make sure the event gos smoothly and range from camera ponies to monster wranglers. Bands around legs, t-shirts, and badges alert players to who is and is not an NPC. In addition to this some props or intractables are off limits to players, if they are not properly marked the players will be warned verbally and visually by monitors, speakers, or even on sight judges.

The last forbidden area in dungeons are marked off spaces or doors labeled as "NoGo" locations. They are there for if players wish to exit the dungeon in cases where they are in over there head or near death, they are properly marked off and all a player has to do to leave a dungeon to safety and medical care is to duck into one.
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In the world of X-Trot there are Three major guilds that players should be aware of, the Adventurers guild, the Mages Guild, and the Experts Guild. As X-Trot participants all players MUST be a member of at least the Adventurers guild which is the official guild in charge of managing events and players, regulating nearly all aspects of X-Trot. All magic users must be registered with the Mages guild. The last guild, the Experts guild, is specifically there for the more... seedy of players, they protect players rights and help keep them in a good light with the law as well as teh Adventurers guild, there numbers are almost exclusively comprised of Rogues and other such types.
Last edited by DontAskForCookies on Fri Jun 27, 2014 5:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: X-Trot (non-Fallout Equestria)

Post by LuckyLeaf » Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:32 pm

Still thinking whether I'll play a Brutal Pugilist Barbarian or a Tetori Monk as my griffon. One thing I know, there will be air grapples.
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Re: X-Trot (non-Fallout Equestria)

Post by NitoKa » Mon Jun 23, 2014 5:09 am

Zebra Synthesist Summoner over here!

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Re: X-Trot (non-Fallout Equestria)

Post by LuckyLeaf » Tue Jun 24, 2014 9:52 am

Are we using Traits? If so, how many? Do we have any Campaign Traits?

I found some good sheets here that we could use. Are we using them?

Will we be using Roll 20 for dungeon maps, btw?
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Re: X-Trot (non-Fallout Equestria)

Post by Viewing_Glass » Tue Jun 24, 2014 10:25 am

Hrm... still unsure what I'll play. Hehe. Debating between druid, cleric, oracle or barbarian.

EDIT: Had a fun thought on my way to work, as well as a question. My thought was about using an Expanded Skills for the game (the link goes to a list of skills). What do you guys think?

My question: How do weapons with the 'Perform' Quality interact with fame rules in X-Crawl?

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Re: X-Trot (non-Fallout Equestria)

Post by LuckyLeaf » Tue Jun 24, 2014 3:01 pm

I am going to play as Grwn, a Brutal Pugilist* Barbarian. I'm planning to specialize in grapple, flight and throwing. He has a twin brother called Glyn who became a Tetori Monk. They have a strong rivalry, but will stop fighting each other in case of a greater issue. This could be a Family Ties drawback, but Glyn is not particularly involved in X-Trot.

In regarding to skills, it could go either way. I will have Fly and I'm pondering how to handle Survival and Perception, as well looking into trait options on Perform: Grandstanding, Heal or Use Magic Device.

*With the permission of the GM I traded the usual Martial Weapon and Medium Armor proficiencies to start with Improved Unarmed Strike as a class feature.
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Re: X-Trot (non-Fallout Equestria)

Post by Viewing_Glass » Tue Jun 24, 2014 4:29 pm

How... neutral of you...[/zapp brannigan] :pinkiehappy:

Anyway, yeah. Still unsure what I'll play, but probably not barbarian.

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Re: X-Trot (non-Fallout Equestria)

Post by LuckyLeaf » Wed Jun 25, 2014 1:14 pm

We have two close combat characters with natural weapons so far, a druid might be a good synergy option for both cure and enhancement of natural attacks (I would hug you if you got Lockjaw). That said, I never saw an Oracle playing and it makes me curious.
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Re: X-Trot (non-Fallout Equestria)

Post by Viewing_Glass » Wed Jun 25, 2014 3:46 pm

Hehe. I see your Lockjaw and raise you Strong Jaw.

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