Recruiting Players: "The Heart of Equestria" (Skype/Sunday)
Recruiting Players: "The Heart of Equestria" (Skype/Sunday)
Recruiting Players: "The Heart of Equestria" (Skype/Sunday)
EDIT: The current game is active, but I need a player to take over, and possibly re-imagine, Lupe the unicorn. EDIT: Found a replacement for Lupe the unicorn, now I need a replacement (or a takeover for) Last Strike the Pegasus. So I'm currently seeking someone to do that! See recent posts. EDIT: New characters are viable, no need for last strike or lupe or anyone like that.
So I'm going beyond an interest check of the previous post, see: ... f=24&t=828 for more details and a bit more explanation, and now I am actually recruiting a game for Sunday Afternoons to evening, eastern standard time (So some time between 2 pm to maybe 8 pm, EDIT 12:30 pm and 6:30 pm, with a break; presumably the game wouldn't actually last that long, but that'd be the range!). This game will be text Skype based, using a web-based dice roller of some sort. This will be using a heavily houseruled kkat's rules.
And I would like people to post bits about their characters, so I can decide who is going to be in this game and who isn't. Yes, this is a recruiting post!
Anyway, here's some background at the game. This is a heroic, good-guy, cooperative, sandbox game; please have a number of specific goals for your character (more on that later). Your characters are a group of very talented, up-and-coming, but wet-behind-the-ears adventurers. You've just recently completed your first good scavving haul, and are coming back to a nearby town in flatland, rural equestria, to spend your hard earned cash at the nearby 'Container Town'. You are well, well away from any place in the canon stories. There is no nearby coast, but there is a nearby river, and some lakes.
This is a pre Littlepip game, or perhaps it's from the same timeline as littlepip would exist... except she doesn't. I haven't decided.
Regardless, you, THE PLAYER, has to do a few things to get into this game. You ARE in competition with others. Unless persuaded otherwise, I will only accept one of each of the available races for this game.
Earth Pony
No foals. No Ghouls. No Rad-Children. No one with the trait 'Dashite' or 'Stable Dweller'. You can be from a Stable or from above the clouds, you just can't have those particular traits. This is because a major, major conceit of this game is to go on quests for training and gear and other, non 'level' based measures of power, like Achievements and Achievement perks and Book perks (yes, I am including those). You start very low wealth, again to go adventure and be creative with crafting or finding stuff or seeking particular things.
There are a ton of houserules... if you want to talk those, or mechanics in general, Skype me at Gavinfoxx. But the long and short of them is that your characters are way, way, way more competent than most players are used to starting at. Level 11, to be precise, with extremely buffed perks. This is to make it so that characters can start as competent -- as in starting non superpowered street level superheros -- characters. You can generally be able to get your tag skills into the 70s or so, and maybe spend a strong perk or two making them more versatile and likely to succeed. So if your concept is 'a doctor', then okay, that's one of your tag skills, a fourth your skill points, and two perks. What else are you?
To help people come up with something... there's a deadline. The game STARTS Sunday March 29th. I choose characters the Saturday before. Why am I doing this so early? Well, I've already posted an interest check, and I've already talked to potential players and have a few solid bites... and I mostly expect them to be the ones posting replies here, but someone could surprise me!
Anyway, I've got several questions or prompts for people to fill out, to help me choose which character. You do NOT have to answer all of these... and you do NOT need to fill out an epic thousands of words back-story, but a lot of you are having some trouble coming up with a character or ideas. So maybe this would help? Keep this sort of thing in mind when making your character!
Also, if you want to increase your chances? Write about your main idea, and write a bit about your second idea, of one of the other six possible races.
Here are the prompts (which I will be adding to as I think of ideas)
What times, EST / GMT -5, exactly, can you play? And what is your ranking of Skype with a web roller, Roll20 or similar, or IRC for preferred gaming method?
What is your character's name? Their nickname? That thing that people call your character sometimes that really annoys them?
What is their species and gender and age?
What do they look like?
What are their tag skills?
What is their personality like at game start?
Why is your character adventuring in general?
What is a bit of information about your character's background?
What is a dramatic or impacting or important event that happened when your character was still growing up? What was your character's upbringing like?
How did they join this adventuring group in particular?
The group is not yet named. What do they want it to be called and why?
Your character trusts the other adventurers with your life, as they are your comrades. Why, and how did they earn your character's trust, and your character theirs?
If your character is a pegasus, they may have gained the blessings of luna, letting the pegasus transform yourself to and from a batpony form. How did the group find out about this, and what helped encourage the party to be relaxed about it?
If your character is a pegasus who gained the blessings of luna and the capacity to change to a batpony form... what event caused the first change? How did the character react? How did they learn to control the change and the meditative state necessary to take when going to sleep, to change back and forth relatively at will (which requires entering REM sleep to do)? How do they view their capabilities of a shapeshifter? How did others around them view it?
If the character is a changeling, they are 'out' to this group, even if the ling isn't to others, and likely consider one or more of the party close friends. This is very very rare for a changeling. What exact confluence of events brought this about, and why does your character trust the group to show discretion with your secrets when everyone is in town? How did your character break to them some of what the character needs to do to survive and thrive -- after all, a changeling is full of instincts to be secretive to all but those who they consider their hive, and is full of reasons to attempt to ensure the survival of their species. Do the 'ling consider this group their adoptive hive? Why?
Changelings, at least the infiltrator types, have a more fluid concept of gender than most. After all, they have to be able to take the forms of both sexes, and act in a variety of ways, and even if they would be technically female, it's a technicality. If you choose the changeling slot, how does your character view the concept of gender?
One of the core concepts of this game is that you are -at least relatively- a hero. You can still have flaws and want profit and stuff, but your viewpoint will likely enable you to go out and do right by people. This is an aberrant viewpoint in the wastes. How did you come across this viewpoint? How does your character express it?
There will be a chance for romance in this game, and the main characters are of a broad mix of species, with a distinct mix of genders. How does your character view romance?
The group will be in violent confrontations. Sometimes against monsters, sometimes against ponies, sometimes against robots. When something goes 'rar' and tries to eat the group, how does your character contribute to the group's success in a violent confrontation? Pay specific attention to what weapons, tactics, and fighting styles you see your character drawn to.
The group will sometimes be exploring and looting in peaceful old prewar places. How does your character contribute to the success of these expeditions?
The group will sometimes come into issues when at town, usually social issues, but not always. How does your character contribute to being useful when interacting with peaceful townsfolk?
What skills will your character be best at first?
By level 20, what will they have branched out into being good at, and how will they use those skills?
What are some of your character's major goals? What about dreams, the sorts of things that go beyond a goal that they feel it is appropriate to work towards?
What are some of your character's minor goals? Like to find particular items, or to delve particular areas, or to uncover the secrets of a particular mystery?
What does your character covet?
What sorts of capabilities do you see as appropriate for your character to gain in trained perks, or quest perks, or book perks, or achievement perks, or other 'not leveling' sorts of things?
If you need to describe things that are important to your character concept's mechanics using core perks, what are some of the most important perks?
What of the finer things in life does your character most enjoy, and why?
What is some sort of legend of the wastes that your character wants to see for themselves?
What are some other miscellaneous things, in particular, that your character wants to quest for?
What does your character want to create or make?
What do they want to do when they are too old to adventure, or otherwise disinclined to adventure?
What unjustice of history or the wastes really gets your character's ire going?
What thing or group in the wastes does your character hate, and what do they want to do to those things or that group?
What does your character fear, and why do they fear that thing, and what do they want to do about it?
What theme, as in storytelling theme, do you see your character's personal story being about?
How do you see your character's personality and viewpoint changing as the story progresses?
EDIT: The current game is active, but I need a player to take over, and possibly re-imagine, Lupe the unicorn. EDIT: Found a replacement for Lupe the unicorn, now I need a replacement (or a takeover for) Last Strike the Pegasus. So I'm currently seeking someone to do that! See recent posts. EDIT: New characters are viable, no need for last strike or lupe or anyone like that.
So I'm going beyond an interest check of the previous post, see: ... f=24&t=828 for more details and a bit more explanation, and now I am actually recruiting a game for Sunday Afternoons to evening, eastern standard time (So some time between 2 pm to maybe 8 pm, EDIT 12:30 pm and 6:30 pm, with a break; presumably the game wouldn't actually last that long, but that'd be the range!). This game will be text Skype based, using a web-based dice roller of some sort. This will be using a heavily houseruled kkat's rules.
And I would like people to post bits about their characters, so I can decide who is going to be in this game and who isn't. Yes, this is a recruiting post!
Anyway, here's some background at the game. This is a heroic, good-guy, cooperative, sandbox game; please have a number of specific goals for your character (more on that later). Your characters are a group of very talented, up-and-coming, but wet-behind-the-ears adventurers. You've just recently completed your first good scavving haul, and are coming back to a nearby town in flatland, rural equestria, to spend your hard earned cash at the nearby 'Container Town'. You are well, well away from any place in the canon stories. There is no nearby coast, but there is a nearby river, and some lakes.
This is a pre Littlepip game, or perhaps it's from the same timeline as littlepip would exist... except she doesn't. I haven't decided.
Regardless, you, THE PLAYER, has to do a few things to get into this game. You ARE in competition with others. Unless persuaded otherwise, I will only accept one of each of the available races for this game.
Earth Pony
No foals. No Ghouls. No Rad-Children. No one with the trait 'Dashite' or 'Stable Dweller'. You can be from a Stable or from above the clouds, you just can't have those particular traits. This is because a major, major conceit of this game is to go on quests for training and gear and other, non 'level' based measures of power, like Achievements and Achievement perks and Book perks (yes, I am including those). You start very low wealth, again to go adventure and be creative with crafting or finding stuff or seeking particular things.
There are a ton of houserules... if you want to talk those, or mechanics in general, Skype me at Gavinfoxx. But the long and short of them is that your characters are way, way, way more competent than most players are used to starting at. Level 11, to be precise, with extremely buffed perks. This is to make it so that characters can start as competent -- as in starting non superpowered street level superheros -- characters. You can generally be able to get your tag skills into the 70s or so, and maybe spend a strong perk or two making them more versatile and likely to succeed. So if your concept is 'a doctor', then okay, that's one of your tag skills, a fourth your skill points, and two perks. What else are you?
To help people come up with something... there's a deadline. The game STARTS Sunday March 29th. I choose characters the Saturday before. Why am I doing this so early? Well, I've already posted an interest check, and I've already talked to potential players and have a few solid bites... and I mostly expect them to be the ones posting replies here, but someone could surprise me!
Anyway, I've got several questions or prompts for people to fill out, to help me choose which character. You do NOT have to answer all of these... and you do NOT need to fill out an epic thousands of words back-story, but a lot of you are having some trouble coming up with a character or ideas. So maybe this would help? Keep this sort of thing in mind when making your character!
Also, if you want to increase your chances? Write about your main idea, and write a bit about your second idea, of one of the other six possible races.
Here are the prompts (which I will be adding to as I think of ideas)
What times, EST / GMT -5, exactly, can you play? And what is your ranking of Skype with a web roller, Roll20 or similar, or IRC for preferred gaming method?
What is your character's name? Their nickname? That thing that people call your character sometimes that really annoys them?
What is their species and gender and age?
What do they look like?
What are their tag skills?
What is their personality like at game start?
Why is your character adventuring in general?
What is a bit of information about your character's background?
What is a dramatic or impacting or important event that happened when your character was still growing up? What was your character's upbringing like?
How did they join this adventuring group in particular?
The group is not yet named. What do they want it to be called and why?
Your character trusts the other adventurers with your life, as they are your comrades. Why, and how did they earn your character's trust, and your character theirs?
If your character is a pegasus, they may have gained the blessings of luna, letting the pegasus transform yourself to and from a batpony form. How did the group find out about this, and what helped encourage the party to be relaxed about it?
If your character is a pegasus who gained the blessings of luna and the capacity to change to a batpony form... what event caused the first change? How did the character react? How did they learn to control the change and the meditative state necessary to take when going to sleep, to change back and forth relatively at will (which requires entering REM sleep to do)? How do they view their capabilities of a shapeshifter? How did others around them view it?
If the character is a changeling, they are 'out' to this group, even if the ling isn't to others, and likely consider one or more of the party close friends. This is very very rare for a changeling. What exact confluence of events brought this about, and why does your character trust the group to show discretion with your secrets when everyone is in town? How did your character break to them some of what the character needs to do to survive and thrive -- after all, a changeling is full of instincts to be secretive to all but those who they consider their hive, and is full of reasons to attempt to ensure the survival of their species. Do the 'ling consider this group their adoptive hive? Why?
Changelings, at least the infiltrator types, have a more fluid concept of gender than most. After all, they have to be able to take the forms of both sexes, and act in a variety of ways, and even if they would be technically female, it's a technicality. If you choose the changeling slot, how does your character view the concept of gender?
One of the core concepts of this game is that you are -at least relatively- a hero. You can still have flaws and want profit and stuff, but your viewpoint will likely enable you to go out and do right by people. This is an aberrant viewpoint in the wastes. How did you come across this viewpoint? How does your character express it?
There will be a chance for romance in this game, and the main characters are of a broad mix of species, with a distinct mix of genders. How does your character view romance?
The group will be in violent confrontations. Sometimes against monsters, sometimes against ponies, sometimes against robots. When something goes 'rar' and tries to eat the group, how does your character contribute to the group's success in a violent confrontation? Pay specific attention to what weapons, tactics, and fighting styles you see your character drawn to.
The group will sometimes be exploring and looting in peaceful old prewar places. How does your character contribute to the success of these expeditions?
The group will sometimes come into issues when at town, usually social issues, but not always. How does your character contribute to being useful when interacting with peaceful townsfolk?
What skills will your character be best at first?
By level 20, what will they have branched out into being good at, and how will they use those skills?
What are some of your character's major goals? What about dreams, the sorts of things that go beyond a goal that they feel it is appropriate to work towards?
What are some of your character's minor goals? Like to find particular items, or to delve particular areas, or to uncover the secrets of a particular mystery?
What does your character covet?
What sorts of capabilities do you see as appropriate for your character to gain in trained perks, or quest perks, or book perks, or achievement perks, or other 'not leveling' sorts of things?
If you need to describe things that are important to your character concept's mechanics using core perks, what are some of the most important perks?
What of the finer things in life does your character most enjoy, and why?
What is some sort of legend of the wastes that your character wants to see for themselves?
What are some other miscellaneous things, in particular, that your character wants to quest for?
What does your character want to create or make?
What do they want to do when they are too old to adventure, or otherwise disinclined to adventure?
What unjustice of history or the wastes really gets your character's ire going?
What thing or group in the wastes does your character hate, and what do they want to do to those things or that group?
What does your character fear, and why do they fear that thing, and what do they want to do about it?
What theme, as in storytelling theme, do you see your character's personal story being about?
How do you see your character's personality and viewpoint changing as the story progresses?
Last edited by Gavinfoxx on Sat Feb 13, 2016 11:38 pm, edited 17 times in total.
My Skype is my username, please contact me that way if you want to reach me.
- Posts: 72
- Joined: Mon Sep 23, 2013 11:26 pm
Re: Recruiting Players: "The Heart of Equestria" (Skype/Sund
Gwendolyn is a griffin, otherwise known as Gwen. Annoying names would be normal griffin derogitory terms (cat, birdbrain, ect.).
Gwen is a scarred up griffin with an auburn body and gray... head area? Whatever you would call that part of griffin anatomy.
Gwen has Battle Saddles, Lockpicking and Speech tagged.
At game start, Gwendolyn is a reasonably gruff but personable ex-mercenary. She seems very disillusioned, but really wants to be able to believe in something good.
Gwen is adventuring to build up supplies, money and renown in order to start up her own mercenary troupe, and get back at her old troupe, whom she left because of... disagreements.
Gwen was originally raised by a kindly old Unicorn mare, who worked as the doctor of a clinic in a very grungy, chem-fueld town. Gwen happily lived with her, learning to care and try to look for good in ponies, until one fateful day in which some druggies finally shot and killed her adoptive mother. A passing mercenary group, the Gold Feathers, who had dealt with the clinic before find Gwen the next day, and adopt her into their own. Gwen then spends around ten years living with and being raised by the mercenaries, acquiring much more practical beliefs about the world. Though she originally loves her troupe, they start taking on more and more shady jobs, and Gwen is eventually gunned down for her outspoken, negative attitude towards these deals.
Gwen thus has the dual upbringing of a kind doctor, who tried to instill in her the belief of ponies and griffins as inherently good, and of a practical mercenary troupe, whose attitude to the world very much conflicts with the one Gwen learned in the first part of her life.
Considering the scope and theme of this campaign is heroic, the way Gwen would trust the other party members is that she saw them do something decent and good, and, knowing it's dangerous to work in the wastes alone, would partner up with someponies that seem to have a speck of good in them. On the other side, the party members could have seen a bit of Gwen's softer side, and perhaps recognized her as the softer and kinder mercenary than she lets on.
Gwen is adept with battle saddles, and, due to her long time as a mercenary, knows how to lead and direct people. She will support the party with both big guns, and things like the leadership perk.
Looting wise, Gwen is making use of some of the house rule griffin perks, which increase scavenging ability, and can pick locks.
Civilization wise, Gwen has a decent speech skill and charisma, so she can help with diplomacy, as well as the incentive to use it. One of the reasons she doesn't see eye to eye with her old mercenary troupe is their poor public relations. Since Gwen seeks to both get back at the old troupe, and start her own, she holds a vested interest in gaining a positive reputation.
Gwen is currently good at her tagged skills, and has a few skill points in medicine and mechanics.
By level 20, Gwen will have her main tagged skills maxed, and will likely branch out into things such as barter, essential for a business griffin, medicine, essential for a soldier, or mechanics, essential for a battle saddle user. Things like survival or perhaps an alternate weapon skill also fit her merc archetype.
Gwen has two major goals: create her own successful mercenary business, and get revenge at her old troupe.
On a smaller scale, Gwen needs to achieve a few things before she can process to her larger goals: she needs to acquire large amounts of gear and caps for herself (a merc boss has to be tough) as well as her future soldiers, and she needs to gain both knowledge of the local area, and the trust of the native people. Adventuring for fame and fortune fulfills these goals well. Specifically, she is looking for any sort of local legends, tall tails, or any other mysterious oddities she can use to gain renown. She also seeks to find the big, important local groups, and either deal with them if she feels they are not conducive to business, or befriend them. A merc boss needs to know the local flavor.
Gwen also needs a steady supply of equipment, and thus needs to track down supplies. This ties into the whole "get to know the local area" deal.
Gwen also keeps a close ear for any news of her old troupe. While she doesn't spend all her time obsessively chasing them, she isn't above sabotaging any work she finds out they're trying to do.
Gwen has a few reasons to be a wasteland "hero," or at least heroic. One, her first upbringing instilled very deep values of wanting to do good, and though this was tempered by her mercenary upbringing, it still has some hold on Gwen's heart. Second, she also believes it's good for business. Dealing with shady ponies and doing shady things can make a quick cap, but it harms the long term viability of a mercenary operation. You can't make needless enemies, and ponies that trust your troupe will always come back to you instead of a competitor for work.
Gwen covets the normal things her goals imply, but she also, slightly deeper, covets something else. Not entirely consciously, Gwen wants something good and just to fight for. The wasteland saps a lot of the goodness out of ponies and griffins, and Gwen really wants a reason to reawaken hers.
Military training perks would be appropriate for Gwen, stuff like specialized combat or power armor training. Learning how ponies work, and how to command and understand them, represented by leadership-like perks, would also be relevant to her character growth. While Gwen has high hopes for a future mercenary business, she perhaps doesn't have the skills and leadership necessary at the start of her journey.
The leadership perks fit well into Gwen's character concept, as she wishes to lead ponies for a living, essentially. The battle saddle combat perks are also very important, as she is, first and foremost, a reasonably battle tested ex-merc.
Gwen is reasonably vice-free. She dislikes chems, and partakes only lightly in alcohol. She does enjoy books or other, similar methods of escapism, in which she can see ponies fighting for something right (rare in the world she lives in).
Gwen seeks the most legendary thing in all the wastes: a good worth fighting for (okay, even I think that pretty corny XP)
Gwen partly has a desire to find other mercenary troupes of the waste, and see if they are all as fundamentally corrupt and full of negativity as her old one. Making money doesn't necessitate being an asshole, and Gwen wishes to see if any other troupes believe so as well.
Gwen has more than a passing interest in battle saddles, and could easily get swept up in wanting to create more specialized gear for hers.
In a perfect world, Gwen would leave her successful mercenary troupe to an heir, and comfortably retire in the most peaceful part of the wastes she could. Alternatively, perhaps she would try to help the next generation of wastelanders, and try to make show them a bit of goodness and kindness.
The thing that really bother Gwen is chems, and she has very little tolerance for the trade or consumption. Additionally, while she is more or less callus to the minor, normal injustices of the waste, seeing large amounts of injustice against those who are truly innocent, or those who are trying to do good in the world, really anger her.
Gwen hates her old troupe, and wishes to (forcibly) make them disband.
Deeply, Gwen fears that her fundamental world view, that ponies, griffins, and everyone else are fundamentally good, is wrong. Although she has seen much bad and injustice in the wasteland, she has also seen her share of altruism and heroics, and wants to believe that ponies are capable and deserving of it.
Gwen's overarching theme is that of trying to overcome disillusionment. Through past events, and partly her upbringing, Gwen's experiences have shown her that there is not much good left in the world, but she truly wishes to that there is. Gwen's story would start out as pursuing monetary gain, but with the right push, would transition into wanting to change the world for a better, and to give reason for her hope in ponies and griffins.
Gwen's viewpoint and personality, at the start, would be very somber and practical. Yeah, the wastes suck, but that's just how it is, and we can't change anything. Eventually, Gwen would find something worth fighting for, an injustice too great, or a soul to inspire her, and she would decide that, practical or not, she wants to believe in a better world with all her heart, and, instead of passively lying back, and witnessing all the bad in the world, she would try to change it.
So, that's most of the questions. Sorry if I came out a bit corny at times. Looking at it as a whole, the character concept is a little corny when you look at all the end goals and such, but I felt it fit the tone of the campaign you're trying to create. I mean, what use is a heroic setting without heroic players?
Here’s the character sheet, and a secondary character concept will hopefully be coming soon. Also, anything that was not mentioned her, but I did say in my first PM to you, does still apply to Gwendolyn’s character. ... QaWc#gid=6
Gwen is a scarred up griffin with an auburn body and gray... head area? Whatever you would call that part of griffin anatomy.
Gwen has Battle Saddles, Lockpicking and Speech tagged.
At game start, Gwendolyn is a reasonably gruff but personable ex-mercenary. She seems very disillusioned, but really wants to be able to believe in something good.
Gwen is adventuring to build up supplies, money and renown in order to start up her own mercenary troupe, and get back at her old troupe, whom she left because of... disagreements.
Gwen was originally raised by a kindly old Unicorn mare, who worked as the doctor of a clinic in a very grungy, chem-fueld town. Gwen happily lived with her, learning to care and try to look for good in ponies, until one fateful day in which some druggies finally shot and killed her adoptive mother. A passing mercenary group, the Gold Feathers, who had dealt with the clinic before find Gwen the next day, and adopt her into their own. Gwen then spends around ten years living with and being raised by the mercenaries, acquiring much more practical beliefs about the world. Though she originally loves her troupe, they start taking on more and more shady jobs, and Gwen is eventually gunned down for her outspoken, negative attitude towards these deals.
Gwen thus has the dual upbringing of a kind doctor, who tried to instill in her the belief of ponies and griffins as inherently good, and of a practical mercenary troupe, whose attitude to the world very much conflicts with the one Gwen learned in the first part of her life.
Considering the scope and theme of this campaign is heroic, the way Gwen would trust the other party members is that she saw them do something decent and good, and, knowing it's dangerous to work in the wastes alone, would partner up with someponies that seem to have a speck of good in them. On the other side, the party members could have seen a bit of Gwen's softer side, and perhaps recognized her as the softer and kinder mercenary than she lets on.
Gwen is adept with battle saddles, and, due to her long time as a mercenary, knows how to lead and direct people. She will support the party with both big guns, and things like the leadership perk.
Looting wise, Gwen is making use of some of the house rule griffin perks, which increase scavenging ability, and can pick locks.
Civilization wise, Gwen has a decent speech skill and charisma, so she can help with diplomacy, as well as the incentive to use it. One of the reasons she doesn't see eye to eye with her old mercenary troupe is their poor public relations. Since Gwen seeks to both get back at the old troupe, and start her own, she holds a vested interest in gaining a positive reputation.
Gwen is currently good at her tagged skills, and has a few skill points in medicine and mechanics.
By level 20, Gwen will have her main tagged skills maxed, and will likely branch out into things such as barter, essential for a business griffin, medicine, essential for a soldier, or mechanics, essential for a battle saddle user. Things like survival or perhaps an alternate weapon skill also fit her merc archetype.
Gwen has two major goals: create her own successful mercenary business, and get revenge at her old troupe.
On a smaller scale, Gwen needs to achieve a few things before she can process to her larger goals: she needs to acquire large amounts of gear and caps for herself (a merc boss has to be tough) as well as her future soldiers, and she needs to gain both knowledge of the local area, and the trust of the native people. Adventuring for fame and fortune fulfills these goals well. Specifically, she is looking for any sort of local legends, tall tails, or any other mysterious oddities she can use to gain renown. She also seeks to find the big, important local groups, and either deal with them if she feels they are not conducive to business, or befriend them. A merc boss needs to know the local flavor.
Gwen also needs a steady supply of equipment, and thus needs to track down supplies. This ties into the whole "get to know the local area" deal.
Gwen also keeps a close ear for any news of her old troupe. While she doesn't spend all her time obsessively chasing them, she isn't above sabotaging any work she finds out they're trying to do.
Gwen has a few reasons to be a wasteland "hero," or at least heroic. One, her first upbringing instilled very deep values of wanting to do good, and though this was tempered by her mercenary upbringing, it still has some hold on Gwen's heart. Second, she also believes it's good for business. Dealing with shady ponies and doing shady things can make a quick cap, but it harms the long term viability of a mercenary operation. You can't make needless enemies, and ponies that trust your troupe will always come back to you instead of a competitor for work.
Gwen covets the normal things her goals imply, but she also, slightly deeper, covets something else. Not entirely consciously, Gwen wants something good and just to fight for. The wasteland saps a lot of the goodness out of ponies and griffins, and Gwen really wants a reason to reawaken hers.
Military training perks would be appropriate for Gwen, stuff like specialized combat or power armor training. Learning how ponies work, and how to command and understand them, represented by leadership-like perks, would also be relevant to her character growth. While Gwen has high hopes for a future mercenary business, she perhaps doesn't have the skills and leadership necessary at the start of her journey.
The leadership perks fit well into Gwen's character concept, as she wishes to lead ponies for a living, essentially. The battle saddle combat perks are also very important, as she is, first and foremost, a reasonably battle tested ex-merc.
Gwen is reasonably vice-free. She dislikes chems, and partakes only lightly in alcohol. She does enjoy books or other, similar methods of escapism, in which she can see ponies fighting for something right (rare in the world she lives in).
Gwen seeks the most legendary thing in all the wastes: a good worth fighting for (okay, even I think that pretty corny XP)
Gwen partly has a desire to find other mercenary troupes of the waste, and see if they are all as fundamentally corrupt and full of negativity as her old one. Making money doesn't necessitate being an asshole, and Gwen wishes to see if any other troupes believe so as well.
Gwen has more than a passing interest in battle saddles, and could easily get swept up in wanting to create more specialized gear for hers.
In a perfect world, Gwen would leave her successful mercenary troupe to an heir, and comfortably retire in the most peaceful part of the wastes she could. Alternatively, perhaps she would try to help the next generation of wastelanders, and try to make show them a bit of goodness and kindness.
The thing that really bother Gwen is chems, and she has very little tolerance for the trade or consumption. Additionally, while she is more or less callus to the minor, normal injustices of the waste, seeing large amounts of injustice against those who are truly innocent, or those who are trying to do good in the world, really anger her.
Gwen hates her old troupe, and wishes to (forcibly) make them disband.
Deeply, Gwen fears that her fundamental world view, that ponies, griffins, and everyone else are fundamentally good, is wrong. Although she has seen much bad and injustice in the wasteland, she has also seen her share of altruism and heroics, and wants to believe that ponies are capable and deserving of it.
Gwen's overarching theme is that of trying to overcome disillusionment. Through past events, and partly her upbringing, Gwen's experiences have shown her that there is not much good left in the world, but she truly wishes to that there is. Gwen's story would start out as pursuing monetary gain, but with the right push, would transition into wanting to change the world for a better, and to give reason for her hope in ponies and griffins.
Gwen's viewpoint and personality, at the start, would be very somber and practical. Yeah, the wastes suck, but that's just how it is, and we can't change anything. Eventually, Gwen would find something worth fighting for, an injustice too great, or a soul to inspire her, and she would decide that, practical or not, she wants to believe in a better world with all her heart, and, instead of passively lying back, and witnessing all the bad in the world, she would try to change it.
So, that's most of the questions. Sorry if I came out a bit corny at times. Looking at it as a whole, the character concept is a little corny when you look at all the end goals and such, but I felt it fit the tone of the campaign you're trying to create. I mean, what use is a heroic setting without heroic players?
Here’s the character sheet, and a secondary character concept will hopefully be coming soon. Also, anything that was not mentioned her, but I did say in my first PM to you, does still apply to Gwendolyn’s character. ... QaWc#gid=6
Last edited by Tennisdude9993 on Wed Mar 25, 2015 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Recruiting Players: "The Heart of Equestria" (Skype/Sund
Nexus, full name Nexus of Concordia, she is often nicknamed Nex or Nexy. It can get tiring to say Nexus all the time. She doesn't really have any names that tick her off - or maybe there are, and she just doesn't know it yet.
She is an earth pony, sporting a moderate dark red coat, a white mane and tail, both featuring a pair of purple stripes. Her cutie mark is an eye with a gear around the pupil.
She is the descendant of an ancient family line, the Concordia family as her full name gives away. It used to be a moderately rich family a few hundred years before the war, but it eventually became a middle-class family by the time of the Great War. Despite their "descent", they retain some of their old traditions.
She grew up in a village located in the Equestrian Northwest, along the coastline. The winters were harsh, but they could get through them relatively well. But with mild weather came raiders, which is when their interests aligned with those of the nearby tribe. Together, they never had much issue defeating the raiders - and when all was said and done, both sides left each other to live their own lives.
After reaching the age of 17, wanderlust captured her mind, and for many years, she wandered the northeastern segment of Equestria, making the trip back home every now and then. It was not an easy life, but it was still easier than letting excitement eat her back home.
Around the age of 28, she decided to travel southward, deep into the Equestrian Wasteland... this was prompted by a group of thieves seriously injuring her brother, crippling one of his legs and taking his outfit. This outfit is a family heirloom, and one of her goals is recovering it and punishing those who took it and crippled her brother.
Tagged skills: melee, sneak and survival.
At the start, she is a bit reserved, but generally open to her friends. However, do keep in mind that she is subject to mood swings and can change between colder than ice to hyperactive in less than an hour. Her adventuring is guided by both wanderlust and the search for a stolen family heirloom. She hopes to find clues to the thief's whereabouts during her travels.
How did she join the group? This is something I'd discuss with other players first, before making any concrete decisions.
Ask what the group should be named, and Nexus will have no answer for you other than "anything that is not embarassing".
The group members can earn her trust simply by being sincere.
Her reason for being a hero is simply because she wants to do what is right, in her own ever-evolving moral code.
Nexus was never really exposed to any conceptions of gender and orientation as a filly - she only cares about others as persons. There were ponies and gryphons in the village where she grew up, she is accustomed to both. There wasn't much in the way of prejudice between them, as they had to work together tightly to survive the harsh conditions of Northeastern Equestria. This doesn't mean that when meeting new species she wouldn't be weirded out because of differences, but if they prove their worth she gets over them quickly.
When things go 'rar', she would serve as a scout for the group if the situation allows it, and do her best to flank the enemy, sneaking around them to move in for a melee kill. In combat itself, she would focus on disabling and dispatching the enemy as fast as possible. Knives and bladed weapons are favorites. As for fighting style, she'd try to be quick and brutal when possible.
During expeditions to ruins and abandoned places, she would do her best to spot any sources of danger and warn the others of them, as well as exploring all possible paths. Moving carefully and somewhat slowly as a result, looking for things the others might miss.
For town issues, she would serve as the tailer, the eavesdropper, the overwatch. Following targets unseen, listening in on their conversations and acquiring information through other means, or looking for those who would do the same/similar to them or intend any harm.
"Storytelling theme" of hers would be the discovery of the fact that there is more to this world than just desolate and not-so-desolate wastelands and scattered communities and the struggle to cope with these new, unexpected situations.
At first, she'd be the best at her tagged skills, of course. Sneaking, melee combat, survival. The latter includes cooking.
She doesn't have any major goals, unless the recovery of the family heirloom counts as one. She's not an overly ambitious pony. She does love learning new things, if that counts as a minor goal. She's quite curious, sometimes overly so.
She covets finding the perfect place to settle down. Simple as that. A place where she can live comfortably.
Anything that increases her effectiveness as a CQC fighter is a viable perk, but more 'special' perks are very much welcome, the kind that opens up new possibilities.
Miscellaneous things to quest for... acquiring better knives, improving knowledge, skill and experience with firearms, learning leatherworking, improving her communication skills, becoming a better cook and learning new skills, improve knowledge of repair, maintenance and mechanics in general.
There is no particular group she hates more than any, but it's those who cause pain, death and destruction out of sadism and malice who earn her ire.
She greatly enjoys the few moments of comfort that she can get, and she'd be willing to shell out caps for it. Her second bout of wanderlust, the current one, is actually fueled by her search for such things, mainly - the other half is the recovery of her family's armor. Good food, good comfort, good company. Things a pony who spent quite a lot of time alone can most certainly appreciate greatly.
If she were to grow old, she'd find a nice community to settle down in.
Those are the answers I could think of. The character sheet is still WIP, here it is: ... edit#gid=3
She is an earth pony, sporting a moderate dark red coat, a white mane and tail, both featuring a pair of purple stripes. Her cutie mark is an eye with a gear around the pupil.
She is the descendant of an ancient family line, the Concordia family as her full name gives away. It used to be a moderately rich family a few hundred years before the war, but it eventually became a middle-class family by the time of the Great War. Despite their "descent", they retain some of their old traditions.
She grew up in a village located in the Equestrian Northwest, along the coastline. The winters were harsh, but they could get through them relatively well. But with mild weather came raiders, which is when their interests aligned with those of the nearby tribe. Together, they never had much issue defeating the raiders - and when all was said and done, both sides left each other to live their own lives.
After reaching the age of 17, wanderlust captured her mind, and for many years, she wandered the northeastern segment of Equestria, making the trip back home every now and then. It was not an easy life, but it was still easier than letting excitement eat her back home.
Around the age of 28, she decided to travel southward, deep into the Equestrian Wasteland... this was prompted by a group of thieves seriously injuring her brother, crippling one of his legs and taking his outfit. This outfit is a family heirloom, and one of her goals is recovering it and punishing those who took it and crippled her brother.
Tagged skills: melee, sneak and survival.
At the start, she is a bit reserved, but generally open to her friends. However, do keep in mind that she is subject to mood swings and can change between colder than ice to hyperactive in less than an hour. Her adventuring is guided by both wanderlust and the search for a stolen family heirloom. She hopes to find clues to the thief's whereabouts during her travels.
How did she join the group? This is something I'd discuss with other players first, before making any concrete decisions.
Ask what the group should be named, and Nexus will have no answer for you other than "anything that is not embarassing".
The group members can earn her trust simply by being sincere.
Her reason for being a hero is simply because she wants to do what is right, in her own ever-evolving moral code.
Nexus was never really exposed to any conceptions of gender and orientation as a filly - she only cares about others as persons. There were ponies and gryphons in the village where she grew up, she is accustomed to both. There wasn't much in the way of prejudice between them, as they had to work together tightly to survive the harsh conditions of Northeastern Equestria. This doesn't mean that when meeting new species she wouldn't be weirded out because of differences, but if they prove their worth she gets over them quickly.
When things go 'rar', she would serve as a scout for the group if the situation allows it, and do her best to flank the enemy, sneaking around them to move in for a melee kill. In combat itself, she would focus on disabling and dispatching the enemy as fast as possible. Knives and bladed weapons are favorites. As for fighting style, she'd try to be quick and brutal when possible.
During expeditions to ruins and abandoned places, she would do her best to spot any sources of danger and warn the others of them, as well as exploring all possible paths. Moving carefully and somewhat slowly as a result, looking for things the others might miss.
For town issues, she would serve as the tailer, the eavesdropper, the overwatch. Following targets unseen, listening in on their conversations and acquiring information through other means, or looking for those who would do the same/similar to them or intend any harm.
"Storytelling theme" of hers would be the discovery of the fact that there is more to this world than just desolate and not-so-desolate wastelands and scattered communities and the struggle to cope with these new, unexpected situations.
At first, she'd be the best at her tagged skills, of course. Sneaking, melee combat, survival. The latter includes cooking.
She doesn't have any major goals, unless the recovery of the family heirloom counts as one. She's not an overly ambitious pony. She does love learning new things, if that counts as a minor goal. She's quite curious, sometimes overly so.
She covets finding the perfect place to settle down. Simple as that. A place where she can live comfortably.
Anything that increases her effectiveness as a CQC fighter is a viable perk, but more 'special' perks are very much welcome, the kind that opens up new possibilities.
Miscellaneous things to quest for... acquiring better knives, improving knowledge, skill and experience with firearms, learning leatherworking, improving her communication skills, becoming a better cook and learning new skills, improve knowledge of repair, maintenance and mechanics in general.
There is no particular group she hates more than any, but it's those who cause pain, death and destruction out of sadism and malice who earn her ire.
She greatly enjoys the few moments of comfort that she can get, and she'd be willing to shell out caps for it. Her second bout of wanderlust, the current one, is actually fueled by her search for such things, mainly - the other half is the recovery of her family's armor. Good food, good comfort, good company. Things a pony who spent quite a lot of time alone can most certainly appreciate greatly.
If she were to grow old, she'd find a nice community to settle down in.
Those are the answers I could think of. The character sheet is still WIP, here it is: ... edit#gid=3
Last edited by Nexus on Fri Mar 27, 2015 5:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
They look cool Hugh, you can't argue with that. - Frappe

My Skype is d4sh1te (yes, yes, yes I know someone is called Dashite and has been using that name longer than me) since that's not a possible field on the user profile thingu.

My Skype is d4sh1te (yes, yes, yes I know someone is called Dashite and has been using that name longer than me) since that's not a possible field on the user profile thingu.
Re: Recruiting Players: "The Heart of Equestria" (Skype/Sund
What times, EST / GMT -5, exactly, can you play? And what is your ranking of Skype with a web roller, Roll20 or similar, or IRC for preferred gaming method?
Anytime after 6PM or so. IRC #1, Roll20 #2, Skype absolutely not
What is your character's name? Their nickname? That thing that people call your character sometimes that really annoys them?
Nydar/Nightie/some variation of 'radar'
What is their species and gender and age?
changeling, female, 23
What do they look like?
Changelings don't really have much in the way of individual features, but Nydar is more femininely built then most changelings with a mane and all. She looks a little bit pudgy to most ponies but it might just be a trick of Wasteland light on her uniformly colored carapace.
What is their personality like at game start?
Nydar's pretty good at covering her natural personality when disguised, but privately she's a very withdrawn changeling and mostly likes to spend time with her friends over going to town.
Why is your character adventuring in general?
The reward. Hive life was stultifying to a changeling with some sense of individual identity and no chance of improving her condition. Adventuring let's her feel a since of pride and accomplishment in completing a difficult task.
What is a bit of information about your character's background?
Nydar grew up in a very isolated in the mountains where they preyed mainly on the local tribals, often appearing in the guise of the deceased to their families. Their hive was buried under the remains of an old Park Service ranger station and model farm complex. At a relatively young age she fled from home, unable to tolerate life as a piece of the Princess' machine and headed about as far as she could go. Barely surviving for the first few months as she adjusted and learned to survive in the Wasteland landscape she lived a haunted existence.... The second great revelation in her life was the appearance of a Steel Ranger strike force in the area she was living in at the time. Overwhelming the local raiders with an awesome amount of personal firepower, Nydar was a mare possessed. No longer near paralyzed by fear and hopelessness, at least when there wasn't anyone focusing on her, she began building up her personal fortunes so someday she might be able to make a real impact on the world.
How did she meet the group?
I think we need to talk about this as a group.
What is a dramatic or impacting or important event that happened when your character was still growing up? What was your character's upbringing like?
Her nymph stage was very bland and sterile, every aspect of the hive rigidly controlled by their princess to ensure that they collected enough love to survive. Unfortunately for Nydar, her earliest expeditions to the tribal villages they fed leading to her near insanity from the confusing jumble of emotions she felt while observing their victims. It grew worse before she fled into the much more attractive world of colorful ponies....
How did your character break to them some of what the character needs to do to survive and thrive -- after all, a changeling is full of instincts to be secretive to all but those who they consider their hive, and is full of reasons to attempt to ensure the survival of their species. Do the 'ling consider this group their adoptive hive? Why?
She presumed they knew plenty of myths about changelings and tried to explain things honestly, trusting they'd at least hear her out. She doesn't think of them as a hive, but as friends, which are far more important from her point of view.
Changelings, at least the infiltrator types, have a more fluid concept of gender than most. After all, they have to be able to take the forms of both sexes, and act in a variety of ways, and even if they would be technically female, it's a technicality. If you choose the changeling slot, how does your character view the concept of gender?
Nydar never really thought about it in a serious fashion; you became the pony you were assigned whatever equipment they possessed. You weren't the pony, so what did their form matter other then as a way to secure sustenance for the hive...? Since striking out on her own she's largely kept that viewpoint, though she increasingly prefers mares for her disguises.
One of the core concepts of this game is that you are -at least relatively- a hero. You can still have flaws and want profit and stuff, but your viewpoint will likely enable you to go out and do right by people. This is an aberrant viewpoint in the wastes. How did you come across this viewpoint? How do you express it?
After witnessing a Steel Ranger strike on a raider band in the Midwest, she realized that there was some kind of organized good out there still.... And that it needed all the help it could get. Nydar tries to help people out in little ways because that's basically all she can handle at this point. Of course her moral compass has never entirely centered so that often involves at least some level of lying or cheating.
There will be a chance for romance in this game, and the main characters are of a broad mix of species, with a distinct mix of genders. How does your character view romance?
With confusion and more then a little sprinkle of terror. Relationships were strictly controlled in the hive, absolutely forbidden between ponies and changelings. Nydar has read enough, met enough ponies in happy relationships, that she knows it's something that would be wonderful but fears her very nature may make a real love impossible....
The group will be in violent confrontations. Sometimes against monsters, sometimes against ponies, sometimes against robots. When something goes 'rar' and tries to eat the group, how does your character contribute to the group's success in a violent confrontation? Pay specific attention to what weapons, tactics, and fighting styles you see your character drawn to.
While lacking in formal instruction on tactics, Nydar does have a fair degree of practical experience from surviving in the Wasteland and actually being able to reach the tattered bundle of shooting magazines she carries around. Mostly she contributes marksmanship and quick reaction times to help protect squishier party members.
The group will sometimes be exploring and looting in peaceful old prewar places. How does your character contribute to the success of these expeditions?
Nydar can climb walls and things like all changelings which makes her useful for getting in places other party members might not be able to.
The group will sometimes come into issues when at town, usually social issues, but not always. How does your character contribute to being useful when interacting with peaceful townsfolk?
Nydar can play a roll unlike almost anypony else in the party can, though her fear of strange ponies typically prevents her from intervening overtly on her own.
What skills will your character be best at first?
Firearms, Science, Survival
What are some of your character's major goals? What about dreams, the sorts of things that go beyond a goal that they feel it is appropriate to work towards?
She'd like to make enough adventuring to quit, settle down with somepony, and raise a family despite not being sure if that's possible.
What are some of your character's minor goals? Like to find particular items, or to delve particular areas, or to uncover the secrets of a particular mystery?
Better firearms and some friendly changelings would be nice.
What does your character covet?
Firearms from pre-war gun catalogs mostly, rare caliber shell casings for her collection.
If you need to describe things that are important to your character concept's mechanics using core perks, what are some of the most important perks?
I don't know.
What of the finer things in life does your character most enjoy, and why?
Nice clothing, either rare modern creations or priceless pre-war items. Mostly to look at it.
What is some sort of legend of the wastes that your character wants to see for themselves?
A real alicorn! Preferably from a safe distance behind plenty of cover!
What are some other miscellaneous things, in particular, that your character wants to quest for?
Anything with monetary gain, and as time goes on, things that can help ponies or whole settlements.
What does your character want to create or make?
Enough caps to settle down and leave the adventuring business with.
What injustice of history or the wastes really gets your character's ire going?
The fact the entire Chrystal Empire, a giant love battery, has been totally lost to time and the knowledge of equines
What thing or group in the wastes does your character hate, and what do they want to do to those things or that group?
Raiders are just one blight on Equestria's body, but perhaps the easiest to hate. Nydar hates to find ponies in power abusing their authority to control others. Right now all she can do is threaten or menace, but many times she wonders if it would be so wrong to kill them....
What does your character fear, and why do they fear that thing, and what do they want to do about it?
Ponies. Mostly the chance of being rejected or ostracized by them. Mostly she conceals it by not associating undisguised with strangers, giving herself an emotional boost.
What theme, as in storytelling theme, do you see your character's personal story being about?
How do you see your character's personality and viewpoint changing as the story progresses?
With a good circle of friends, she'll eventually be able to at least interact on her own with society at large (though most likely only in disguise) without reservation or fear. Eventually she'll hopefully find somepony/ling that will break through her insulated shell of rejection to bring through some loving~
Anytime after 6PM or so. IRC #1, Roll20 #2, Skype absolutely not
What is your character's name? Their nickname? That thing that people call your character sometimes that really annoys them?
Nydar/Nightie/some variation of 'radar'
What is their species and gender and age?
changeling, female, 23
What do they look like?
Changelings don't really have much in the way of individual features, but Nydar is more femininely built then most changelings with a mane and all. She looks a little bit pudgy to most ponies but it might just be a trick of Wasteland light on her uniformly colored carapace.
What is their personality like at game start?
Nydar's pretty good at covering her natural personality when disguised, but privately she's a very withdrawn changeling and mostly likes to spend time with her friends over going to town.
Why is your character adventuring in general?
The reward. Hive life was stultifying to a changeling with some sense of individual identity and no chance of improving her condition. Adventuring let's her feel a since of pride and accomplishment in completing a difficult task.
What is a bit of information about your character's background?
Nydar grew up in a very isolated in the mountains where they preyed mainly on the local tribals, often appearing in the guise of the deceased to their families. Their hive was buried under the remains of an old Park Service ranger station and model farm complex. At a relatively young age she fled from home, unable to tolerate life as a piece of the Princess' machine and headed about as far as she could go. Barely surviving for the first few months as she adjusted and learned to survive in the Wasteland landscape she lived a haunted existence.... The second great revelation in her life was the appearance of a Steel Ranger strike force in the area she was living in at the time. Overwhelming the local raiders with an awesome amount of personal firepower, Nydar was a mare possessed. No longer near paralyzed by fear and hopelessness, at least when there wasn't anyone focusing on her, she began building up her personal fortunes so someday she might be able to make a real impact on the world.
How did she meet the group?
I think we need to talk about this as a group.
What is a dramatic or impacting or important event that happened when your character was still growing up? What was your character's upbringing like?
Her nymph stage was very bland and sterile, every aspect of the hive rigidly controlled by their princess to ensure that they collected enough love to survive. Unfortunately for Nydar, her earliest expeditions to the tribal villages they fed leading to her near insanity from the confusing jumble of emotions she felt while observing their victims. It grew worse before she fled into the much more attractive world of colorful ponies....
How did your character break to them some of what the character needs to do to survive and thrive -- after all, a changeling is full of instincts to be secretive to all but those who they consider their hive, and is full of reasons to attempt to ensure the survival of their species. Do the 'ling consider this group their adoptive hive? Why?
She presumed they knew plenty of myths about changelings and tried to explain things honestly, trusting they'd at least hear her out. She doesn't think of them as a hive, but as friends, which are far more important from her point of view.
Changelings, at least the infiltrator types, have a more fluid concept of gender than most. After all, they have to be able to take the forms of both sexes, and act in a variety of ways, and even if they would be technically female, it's a technicality. If you choose the changeling slot, how does your character view the concept of gender?
Nydar never really thought about it in a serious fashion; you became the pony you were assigned whatever equipment they possessed. You weren't the pony, so what did their form matter other then as a way to secure sustenance for the hive...? Since striking out on her own she's largely kept that viewpoint, though she increasingly prefers mares for her disguises.
One of the core concepts of this game is that you are -at least relatively- a hero. You can still have flaws and want profit and stuff, but your viewpoint will likely enable you to go out and do right by people. This is an aberrant viewpoint in the wastes. How did you come across this viewpoint? How do you express it?
After witnessing a Steel Ranger strike on a raider band in the Midwest, she realized that there was some kind of organized good out there still.... And that it needed all the help it could get. Nydar tries to help people out in little ways because that's basically all she can handle at this point. Of course her moral compass has never entirely centered so that often involves at least some level of lying or cheating.
There will be a chance for romance in this game, and the main characters are of a broad mix of species, with a distinct mix of genders. How does your character view romance?
With confusion and more then a little sprinkle of terror. Relationships were strictly controlled in the hive, absolutely forbidden between ponies and changelings. Nydar has read enough, met enough ponies in happy relationships, that she knows it's something that would be wonderful but fears her very nature may make a real love impossible....
The group will be in violent confrontations. Sometimes against monsters, sometimes against ponies, sometimes against robots. When something goes 'rar' and tries to eat the group, how does your character contribute to the group's success in a violent confrontation? Pay specific attention to what weapons, tactics, and fighting styles you see your character drawn to.
While lacking in formal instruction on tactics, Nydar does have a fair degree of practical experience from surviving in the Wasteland and actually being able to reach the tattered bundle of shooting magazines she carries around. Mostly she contributes marksmanship and quick reaction times to help protect squishier party members.
The group will sometimes be exploring and looting in peaceful old prewar places. How does your character contribute to the success of these expeditions?
Nydar can climb walls and things like all changelings which makes her useful for getting in places other party members might not be able to.
The group will sometimes come into issues when at town, usually social issues, but not always. How does your character contribute to being useful when interacting with peaceful townsfolk?
Nydar can play a roll unlike almost anypony else in the party can, though her fear of strange ponies typically prevents her from intervening overtly on her own.
What skills will your character be best at first?
Firearms, Science, Survival
What are some of your character's major goals? What about dreams, the sorts of things that go beyond a goal that they feel it is appropriate to work towards?
She'd like to make enough adventuring to quit, settle down with somepony, and raise a family despite not being sure if that's possible.
What are some of your character's minor goals? Like to find particular items, or to delve particular areas, or to uncover the secrets of a particular mystery?
Better firearms and some friendly changelings would be nice.
What does your character covet?
Firearms from pre-war gun catalogs mostly, rare caliber shell casings for her collection.
If you need to describe things that are important to your character concept's mechanics using core perks, what are some of the most important perks?
I don't know.
What of the finer things in life does your character most enjoy, and why?
Nice clothing, either rare modern creations or priceless pre-war items. Mostly to look at it.
What is some sort of legend of the wastes that your character wants to see for themselves?
A real alicorn! Preferably from a safe distance behind plenty of cover!
What are some other miscellaneous things, in particular, that your character wants to quest for?
Anything with monetary gain, and as time goes on, things that can help ponies or whole settlements.
What does your character want to create or make?
Enough caps to settle down and leave the adventuring business with.
What injustice of history or the wastes really gets your character's ire going?
The fact the entire Chrystal Empire, a giant love battery, has been totally lost to time and the knowledge of equines
What thing or group in the wastes does your character hate, and what do they want to do to those things or that group?
Raiders are just one blight on Equestria's body, but perhaps the easiest to hate. Nydar hates to find ponies in power abusing their authority to control others. Right now all she can do is threaten or menace, but many times she wonders if it would be so wrong to kill them....
What does your character fear, and why do they fear that thing, and what do they want to do about it?
Ponies. Mostly the chance of being rejected or ostracized by them. Mostly she conceals it by not associating undisguised with strangers, giving herself an emotional boost.
What theme, as in storytelling theme, do you see your character's personal story being about?
How do you see your character's personality and viewpoint changing as the story progresses?
With a good circle of friends, she'll eventually be able to at least interact on her own with society at large (though most likely only in disguise) without reservation or fear. Eventually she'll hopefully find somepony/ling that will break through her insulated shell of rejection to bring through some loving~
- Cyberpunked
- Posts: 58
- Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2014 6:39 pm
- Location: The Bible Belt
Re: Recruiting Players: "The Heart of Equestria" (Skype/Sund
What times, EST / GMT -5, exactly, can you play? And what is your ranking of Skype with a web roller, Roll20 or similar, or IRC for preferred gaming method?
EST? Between 3:00 PM and 12:00 PM. Skype and an external roller are alright by me.
What is your character's name? Their nickname? That thing that people call your character sometimes that really annoys them?
Caius! Caius Okoye, to be exact. He doesn't really have a nickname, but doesn't mind whatever the other party members call him: Cai, O, even Caney. He does get a tiny bit annoyed when somepony messes up the pronunciation of Caius as Gaius, though.
What is their species and gender and age?
Zebra~. Aged 17-21, stallion.
What do they look like?
Zebra, duh. Dark gray stripes, lighter gray counter-stripes, mane done up in VERY elaborate braids- he keeps himself as clean as he can, apart from that. On the other side of things, he's rather handsome and well-built, with no deformities or abnormalities. Best described as exotic, handsome if not for the stripes... or maybe because of them. Definitely still a youngster, though.
What are their tag skills?
Melee, Unarmed, and Survival.
What is their personality like at game start?
Well-spoken, for one. If there was ever an optimist in a pessimist's environment, Caius is one of them. He finds it absolutely silly to always look on the bad side of life. Dwelling on the negative isn't something he even considers... if presented with a glass of dirty water after a week in the desert, he'd thank you for the water and never even think about the quality of it. He's very, VERY compassionate, too, the thought of just leaving somepony to die being barbaric to him. That... and some of his reasons are detailed in the next question.
Why is your character adventuring in general?
A couple of different reasons... to find a sword purportedly made by a renowned zebra bladesmith, and bring it back to his tribe. It was used by the (in)famous zebra swordmaiden, Callisto, in her crusade to bring safety, peace, and unity to the zebra homeland after years of inter-clan violence and hardship. He's also interested in finding the spirit that originally "awakened" his shamanistic abilities and learning more from him, as his tribe was rather scarce on shamans (Caius being the first) and he wants to bring the knowledge back to his homeland... or use it to make others safer.
His upbringing drilled into him that "knowledge is power" and he holds true to that, always searching for information and knowledge, focusing on pre-War alchemy, agriculture, and even what shamanistic texts he could find. Violence isn't in his blood, but he isn't exactly going to lay down and let a pony trample over him when he encounters resistance- he's a proactive stallion, and if he encounters a problem, he's going to find a solution.
What is a bit of information about your character's background?
Well, he comes from the Cane Hooves of the South, a tribe of zebras hailing from an island off the coast of Southeastern Equestria, one that was left uncolonized by ponies before the war, but which became home to a company of Zebra Empire deserters and their families soon after the bombs fell. They cultivated the land and intentionally divorced themselves from their zebra contemporaries after seeing the destruction of the war, forming two groups: The Monks, descended from the deserters and living a frugal, contemplative life, and the Farmers, descended from their families, who lived in (relative) peace with the Monks. Caius is a Monk, and learned martial arts and alchemy from them before being let out on his own to pursue spirits.
As a result of their divorcing themselves and living in (relative, there were a couple of griffon traders that showed up every now and then) isolation, the Cane Hooves are... rather odd, so to speak, favoring close physical contact, a strong sense of community, and the understanding that holding grudges got nobody anywhere. They've a deep respect for the ancient monks of the zebra homeland, and model their martial arts after them.
What is a dramatic or impacting or important event that happened when your character was still growing up? What was your character's upbringing like?
The most important event to happen to Caius was when he finally learned about his Shamanistic abilities... by drawing the attention of a mysterious spirit while in his trial to move on in his training, suddenly gaining a burst of energy when it seemed he was about to lose. Thus, he learned of his shamanic abilities. Otherwise, his upbringing was rather cheery, the stallion being regarded as sociable... even if he had trouble looking through another's eyes. His status as a shaman didn't change the fact that he was still a well-respected member of his community.
How did they join this adventuring group in particular?
One day, he talked to an old spirit- one that knew a lot about the world but spoke in cypher and enigma. Seemed the spirit knew a good deal of information... and Caius listened. What came of this advice was to "assist a group in their travels in the wastes," and, following the spirit, he got himself involved with the group.
The group is not yet named. What do they want it to be called and why?
No opinion, so long as it's not something Raider-y.
Your character trusts the other adventurers with your life, as they are your comrades. Why, and how did they earn your character's trust, and your character theirs?
Caius showed he was trustworthy by, rather selflessly, using his survival skills and martial ability to defend the group while traveling, gathering food and preferring them to eat first. He found them trustworthy when they did the same for him.
One of the core concepts of this game is that you are -at least relatively- a hero. You can still have flaws and want profit and stuff, but your viewpoint will likely enable you to go out and do right by people. This is an aberrant viewpoint in the wastes. How did you come across this viewpoint? How do you express it?
For one, it was drilled into Caius's head the moment he was born. Wasn't much point to being a stick in the mud, so why bother? Doing good feels good.
There will be a chance for romance in this game, and the main characters are of a broad mix of species, with a distinct mix of genders. How does your character view romance?
He's... rather inexperienced, in regards to actual romance, given that he was focused on his studies. Sure, some of the fillies in his village gave him the look... but most of the time, when offered romance, he trips over his own hooves and clams up. While the Monks didn't explicitly BAN romantic relations, they were regarded as a distraction until the Monk had gone through his training completely, and had proven himself as an adult.
The group will be in violent confrontations. Sometimes against monsters, sometimes against ponies, sometimes against robots. When something goes 'rar' and tries to eat the group, how does your character contribute to the group's success in a violent confrontation? Pay specific attention to what weapons, tactics, and fighting styles you see your character drawn to.
Caius sticks with the basics: his hooves, his staff, or whatever blade he can get his hooves on if it's a serious enough situation. The zebra believes expressly in the concept of honor... though when somepony throws those rules out the window, he's not bound by "honor before reason" like everypony assumes. His tactics mostly revolve around skillful use of his body and his weaponry.
The group will sometimes be exploring and looting in peaceful old prewar places. How does your character contribute to the success of these expeditions?
Finding supplies and making sure the rest of the group doesn't get into too much trouble.
The group will sometimes come into issues when at town, usually social issues, but not always. How does your character contribute to being useful when interacting with peaceful townsfolk?
He always offers his help if it's needed, and usually tries to arbitrate the discussion if one or the other party gets too heated for his liking.
What skills will your character be best at first?
Combat and Survival
By level 20, what will they have branched out into being good at, and how will they use those skills?
Definitely mastering CQC combat and Survivalism, with a good focus into Speech. He'll likely become a quality shaman, and use his abilities with spirits to bring peace to the Wasteland, either with words or by helping ponies... and when push comes to shove, having a deadly zebra martial artist around isn't a bad idea.
What are some of your character's major goals? What about dreams, the sorts of things that go beyond a goal that they feel it is appropriate to work towards?
Helping ponies, finding out more about the spirit world, and doing good where good needs to be done... he won't admit it, but he does dream of uniting zebras and ponies under a peaceful banner, for mutual coexistence and peace, to heal the wounds of the past.
What are some of your character's minor goals? Like to find particular items, or to delve particular areas, or to uncover the secrets of a particular mystery?
Minor goals? Finding an intact zebra sword, an actual example and not a replica designed for teenage colts. Acquiring the materials to make armor in the style of his ancestors. Maybe even help a pony out for the sake of doing it.
What does your character covet?
Caius... really isn't the type to covet things, but he has an unconscious drive to learn. Learn, learn, and learn again.
What sorts of capabilities do you see as appropriate for your character to gain in trained perks, or quest perks, or book perks, or achievement perks, or other 'not leveling' sorts of things?
In terms of Trained Perks... probably Way of The Blade, and more martial arts perks. Quest perks? Learning of zebra alchemy, and special ways to use spirits. Book perks? If he can use the knowledge inside it to make ponies fear him less, then he'll be happy... achievement wise? Probably with rediscovering old swordfighting techniques, alchemy, spirits... and making breakthroughs in cooperation between species.
If you need to describe things that are important to your character concept's mechanics using core perks, what are some of the most important perks?
Most CQC perks, along with alchemy, shamanism, and some Speech perks as he works on his social skills.
What of the finer things in life does your character most enjoy, and why?
Alcohol in VERY STRICT moderation, learning about ponies, dancing, and... well, if allowed, cuddling. The Monks practiced moderation, but knew that it was good to indulge every once in a while, otherwise they'd go stir-crazy.
What is some sort of legend of the wastes that your character wants to see for themselves?
Master Macarius, one of few surviving masters of the Way of the Blade, and purportedly... older than the Wasteland itself. Rumor has it that Macarius opposed the zebra government, and fled the country with his wife... only to disappear. Rumor has it he's still out there, and Caius wants to meet him.
Next to that... Callisto's Blade, the aforementioned zebra sword, the hide of a "Manticore
What are some other miscellaneous things, in particular, that your character wants to quest for?
An authentic zebra sword, along with the materials to make a fine set of armor, and the knowledge of mainland Equestria and its ingredients for alchemy.
What does your character want to create or make?
In all honesty, he's interested in recreating the armor and weaponry of ANCIENT zebras, not the Pre-War style. Rather difficult, but he's committed to it
What do they want to do when they are too old to adventure, or otherwise disinclined to adventure?
Return home and share his knowledge. Either that, or settle down and teach others what he found over time, possibly even taking on an apprentice.
What injustice of history or the wastes really gets your character's ire going?
Blatantly unprovoked bigotry based solely upon his race, the casual disregard for life that some folks seem to hold, and .
What thing or group in the wastes does your character hate, and what do they want to do to those things or that group?
Caius hates only one thing: ponies undeserving of even the term 'equine,' raiders, slavers, and sociopaths who throw others away purely for their own gain... he wouldn't be too happy with them.
What does your character fear, and why do they fear that thing, and what do they want to do about it?
Caius... really only fears the darker spirits- those of corruption, greed, and avarice. He knows that they will eventually come to him with offers of power, so he does his best to fortify his mind and will against them. In the material world? He really only fears that he will be forgotten... so he does his best to make a name for himself, whether that be through helping ponies, laying spirits to rest, or bringing peace to a wartorn area, he's determined to leave a good mark.
What theme, as in storytelling theme, do you see your character's personal story being about?
Self-discovery and cooperation, and on the negative side, dealing with separation, the conflict of his teachings and the world, and misunderstanding others.
How do you see your character's personality and viewpoint changing as the story progresses?
Growing from a talented teenager in an unfamiliar world into a mature, adult zebra.
EST? Between 3:00 PM and 12:00 PM. Skype and an external roller are alright by me.
What is your character's name? Their nickname? That thing that people call your character sometimes that really annoys them?
Caius! Caius Okoye, to be exact. He doesn't really have a nickname, but doesn't mind whatever the other party members call him: Cai, O, even Caney. He does get a tiny bit annoyed when somepony messes up the pronunciation of Caius as Gaius, though.
What is their species and gender and age?
Zebra~. Aged 17-21, stallion.
What do they look like?
Zebra, duh. Dark gray stripes, lighter gray counter-stripes, mane done up in VERY elaborate braids- he keeps himself as clean as he can, apart from that. On the other side of things, he's rather handsome and well-built, with no deformities or abnormalities. Best described as exotic, handsome if not for the stripes... or maybe because of them. Definitely still a youngster, though.
What are their tag skills?
Melee, Unarmed, and Survival.
What is their personality like at game start?
Well-spoken, for one. If there was ever an optimist in a pessimist's environment, Caius is one of them. He finds it absolutely silly to always look on the bad side of life. Dwelling on the negative isn't something he even considers... if presented with a glass of dirty water after a week in the desert, he'd thank you for the water and never even think about the quality of it. He's very, VERY compassionate, too, the thought of just leaving somepony to die being barbaric to him. That... and some of his reasons are detailed in the next question.
Why is your character adventuring in general?
A couple of different reasons... to find a sword purportedly made by a renowned zebra bladesmith, and bring it back to his tribe. It was used by the (in)famous zebra swordmaiden, Callisto, in her crusade to bring safety, peace, and unity to the zebra homeland after years of inter-clan violence and hardship. He's also interested in finding the spirit that originally "awakened" his shamanistic abilities and learning more from him, as his tribe was rather scarce on shamans (Caius being the first) and he wants to bring the knowledge back to his homeland... or use it to make others safer.
His upbringing drilled into him that "knowledge is power" and he holds true to that, always searching for information and knowledge, focusing on pre-War alchemy, agriculture, and even what shamanistic texts he could find. Violence isn't in his blood, but he isn't exactly going to lay down and let a pony trample over him when he encounters resistance- he's a proactive stallion, and if he encounters a problem, he's going to find a solution.
What is a bit of information about your character's background?
Well, he comes from the Cane Hooves of the South, a tribe of zebras hailing from an island off the coast of Southeastern Equestria, one that was left uncolonized by ponies before the war, but which became home to a company of Zebra Empire deserters and their families soon after the bombs fell. They cultivated the land and intentionally divorced themselves from their zebra contemporaries after seeing the destruction of the war, forming two groups: The Monks, descended from the deserters and living a frugal, contemplative life, and the Farmers, descended from their families, who lived in (relative) peace with the Monks. Caius is a Monk, and learned martial arts and alchemy from them before being let out on his own to pursue spirits.
As a result of their divorcing themselves and living in (relative, there were a couple of griffon traders that showed up every now and then) isolation, the Cane Hooves are... rather odd, so to speak, favoring close physical contact, a strong sense of community, and the understanding that holding grudges got nobody anywhere. They've a deep respect for the ancient monks of the zebra homeland, and model their martial arts after them.
What is a dramatic or impacting or important event that happened when your character was still growing up? What was your character's upbringing like?
The most important event to happen to Caius was when he finally learned about his Shamanistic abilities... by drawing the attention of a mysterious spirit while in his trial to move on in his training, suddenly gaining a burst of energy when it seemed he was about to lose. Thus, he learned of his shamanic abilities. Otherwise, his upbringing was rather cheery, the stallion being regarded as sociable... even if he had trouble looking through another's eyes. His status as a shaman didn't change the fact that he was still a well-respected member of his community.
How did they join this adventuring group in particular?
One day, he talked to an old spirit- one that knew a lot about the world but spoke in cypher and enigma. Seemed the spirit knew a good deal of information... and Caius listened. What came of this advice was to "assist a group in their travels in the wastes," and, following the spirit, he got himself involved with the group.
The group is not yet named. What do they want it to be called and why?
No opinion, so long as it's not something Raider-y.
Your character trusts the other adventurers with your life, as they are your comrades. Why, and how did they earn your character's trust, and your character theirs?
Caius showed he was trustworthy by, rather selflessly, using his survival skills and martial ability to defend the group while traveling, gathering food and preferring them to eat first. He found them trustworthy when they did the same for him.
One of the core concepts of this game is that you are -at least relatively- a hero. You can still have flaws and want profit and stuff, but your viewpoint will likely enable you to go out and do right by people. This is an aberrant viewpoint in the wastes. How did you come across this viewpoint? How do you express it?
For one, it was drilled into Caius's head the moment he was born. Wasn't much point to being a stick in the mud, so why bother? Doing good feels good.
There will be a chance for romance in this game, and the main characters are of a broad mix of species, with a distinct mix of genders. How does your character view romance?
He's... rather inexperienced, in regards to actual romance, given that he was focused on his studies. Sure, some of the fillies in his village gave him the look... but most of the time, when offered romance, he trips over his own hooves and clams up. While the Monks didn't explicitly BAN romantic relations, they were regarded as a distraction until the Monk had gone through his training completely, and had proven himself as an adult.
The group will be in violent confrontations. Sometimes against monsters, sometimes against ponies, sometimes against robots. When something goes 'rar' and tries to eat the group, how does your character contribute to the group's success in a violent confrontation? Pay specific attention to what weapons, tactics, and fighting styles you see your character drawn to.
Caius sticks with the basics: his hooves, his staff, or whatever blade he can get his hooves on if it's a serious enough situation. The zebra believes expressly in the concept of honor... though when somepony throws those rules out the window, he's not bound by "honor before reason" like everypony assumes. His tactics mostly revolve around skillful use of his body and his weaponry.
The group will sometimes be exploring and looting in peaceful old prewar places. How does your character contribute to the success of these expeditions?
Finding supplies and making sure the rest of the group doesn't get into too much trouble.
The group will sometimes come into issues when at town, usually social issues, but not always. How does your character contribute to being useful when interacting with peaceful townsfolk?
He always offers his help if it's needed, and usually tries to arbitrate the discussion if one or the other party gets too heated for his liking.
What skills will your character be best at first?
Combat and Survival
By level 20, what will they have branched out into being good at, and how will they use those skills?
Definitely mastering CQC combat and Survivalism, with a good focus into Speech. He'll likely become a quality shaman, and use his abilities with spirits to bring peace to the Wasteland, either with words or by helping ponies... and when push comes to shove, having a deadly zebra martial artist around isn't a bad idea.
What are some of your character's major goals? What about dreams, the sorts of things that go beyond a goal that they feel it is appropriate to work towards?
Helping ponies, finding out more about the spirit world, and doing good where good needs to be done... he won't admit it, but he does dream of uniting zebras and ponies under a peaceful banner, for mutual coexistence and peace, to heal the wounds of the past.
What are some of your character's minor goals? Like to find particular items, or to delve particular areas, or to uncover the secrets of a particular mystery?
Minor goals? Finding an intact zebra sword, an actual example and not a replica designed for teenage colts. Acquiring the materials to make armor in the style of his ancestors. Maybe even help a pony out for the sake of doing it.
What does your character covet?
Caius... really isn't the type to covet things, but he has an unconscious drive to learn. Learn, learn, and learn again.
What sorts of capabilities do you see as appropriate for your character to gain in trained perks, or quest perks, or book perks, or achievement perks, or other 'not leveling' sorts of things?
In terms of Trained Perks... probably Way of The Blade, and more martial arts perks. Quest perks? Learning of zebra alchemy, and special ways to use spirits. Book perks? If he can use the knowledge inside it to make ponies fear him less, then he'll be happy... achievement wise? Probably with rediscovering old swordfighting techniques, alchemy, spirits... and making breakthroughs in cooperation between species.
If you need to describe things that are important to your character concept's mechanics using core perks, what are some of the most important perks?
Most CQC perks, along with alchemy, shamanism, and some Speech perks as he works on his social skills.
What of the finer things in life does your character most enjoy, and why?
Alcohol in VERY STRICT moderation, learning about ponies, dancing, and... well, if allowed, cuddling. The Monks practiced moderation, but knew that it was good to indulge every once in a while, otherwise they'd go stir-crazy.
What is some sort of legend of the wastes that your character wants to see for themselves?
Master Macarius, one of few surviving masters of the Way of the Blade, and purportedly... older than the Wasteland itself. Rumor has it that Macarius opposed the zebra government, and fled the country with his wife... only to disappear. Rumor has it he's still out there, and Caius wants to meet him.
Next to that... Callisto's Blade, the aforementioned zebra sword, the hide of a "Manticore
What are some other miscellaneous things, in particular, that your character wants to quest for?
An authentic zebra sword, along with the materials to make a fine set of armor, and the knowledge of mainland Equestria and its ingredients for alchemy.
What does your character want to create or make?
In all honesty, he's interested in recreating the armor and weaponry of ANCIENT zebras, not the Pre-War style. Rather difficult, but he's committed to it
What do they want to do when they are too old to adventure, or otherwise disinclined to adventure?
Return home and share his knowledge. Either that, or settle down and teach others what he found over time, possibly even taking on an apprentice.
What injustice of history or the wastes really gets your character's ire going?
Blatantly unprovoked bigotry based solely upon his race, the casual disregard for life that some folks seem to hold, and .
What thing or group in the wastes does your character hate, and what do they want to do to those things or that group?
Caius hates only one thing: ponies undeserving of even the term 'equine,' raiders, slavers, and sociopaths who throw others away purely for their own gain... he wouldn't be too happy with them.
What does your character fear, and why do they fear that thing, and what do they want to do about it?
Caius... really only fears the darker spirits- those of corruption, greed, and avarice. He knows that they will eventually come to him with offers of power, so he does his best to fortify his mind and will against them. In the material world? He really only fears that he will be forgotten... so he does his best to make a name for himself, whether that be through helping ponies, laying spirits to rest, or bringing peace to a wartorn area, he's determined to leave a good mark.
What theme, as in storytelling theme, do you see your character's personal story being about?
Self-discovery and cooperation, and on the negative side, dealing with separation, the conflict of his teachings and the world, and misunderstanding others.
How do you see your character's personality and viewpoint changing as the story progresses?
Growing from a talented teenager in an unfamiliar world into a mature, adult zebra.
- Posts: 12
- Joined: Wed Mar 25, 2015 8:32 pm
Re: Recruiting Players: "The Heart of Equestria" (Skype/Sund
Jeweled sky was raised in her parents shop outside of friendship city, her father was an enclave technician. Her mother was something of a mechanist, they met after her fathers science team was lost to hell hounds. Unable to fly due to injuries he limped for days in the wasteland before passing out and meeting his future wife a caravan driver.
15 years passed since then, life was fairly good an education and a good home life. Until THEY came, slavers of fillydelphi, her parents spirited her out the door, then there was a horrific explosion. Was it the raiders or her parents last stand?, who knows both of htem would rather die than have their family be slaves.
Jeweled skies family venerated Princess Luna as a guardian, on that day Jeweled sky was sure the princesses didn't care or not there at all. To repay her for her lost family the goddess gave her a blessing and boon, She woke up in the middle of the night screaming!
She wasn't just a Pegasus anymore, in the mirror looking back at her was a bat pony!. She has spent some time learning to change this form and some of it's abilities. Prehaps this was her calling to bring the will of the goddess to the ponies below the clouds!
Name:Jeweled Sky
race: Pegasus/bat pony
Gender: mare
tagged skills: None jack of all trades but her points went into mostly battle saddles, science and mechanics
goals: find Pre war lunar relics and armor, start a new shop and home, start temples to the princess luna and bring the faiths of night princess back. Find other bat ponies.
Favorite foods: banana cakes!
Nick name: Jewel or sky is fun just don't call her GEM!, only her parents can call her that!
Player info
Timezone: Centeral American time
I perfer Mirc better at keeping logs, will do Skype
I can play on weekends RL permitting
as I don't know many dice rollers I am fine with anything the group agrees on
15 years passed since then, life was fairly good an education and a good home life. Until THEY came, slavers of fillydelphi, her parents spirited her out the door, then there was a horrific explosion. Was it the raiders or her parents last stand?, who knows both of htem would rather die than have their family be slaves.
Jeweled skies family venerated Princess Luna as a guardian, on that day Jeweled sky was sure the princesses didn't care or not there at all. To repay her for her lost family the goddess gave her a blessing and boon, She woke up in the middle of the night screaming!
She wasn't just a Pegasus anymore, in the mirror looking back at her was a bat pony!. She has spent some time learning to change this form and some of it's abilities. Prehaps this was her calling to bring the will of the goddess to the ponies below the clouds!
Name:Jeweled Sky
race: Pegasus/bat pony
Gender: mare
tagged skills: None jack of all trades but her points went into mostly battle saddles, science and mechanics
goals: find Pre war lunar relics and armor, start a new shop and home, start temples to the princess luna and bring the faiths of night princess back. Find other bat ponies.
Favorite foods: banana cakes!
Nick name: Jewel or sky is fun just don't call her GEM!, only her parents can call her that!
Player info
Timezone: Centeral American time
I perfer Mirc better at keeping logs, will do Skype
I can play on weekends RL permitting
as I don't know many dice rollers I am fine with anything the group agrees on
Re: Recruiting Players: "The Heart of Equestria" (Skype/Sund
Hey all, here's a pretty good character sheet: ... edit#gid=1
Also guys? Be advised that the "Heart of Equestria" room on the IRC server is NOT me! ... edit#gid=1
Also guys? Be advised that the "Heart of Equestria" room on the IRC server is NOT me!
My Skype is my username, please contact me that way if you want to reach me.
Re: Recruiting Players: "The Heart of Equestria" (Skype/Sund
sorry for my english.
What is your character's name? Their nickname? That thing that people call your character sometimes that really annoys them?
my character is Last Bullet. he don't have a nickname and friends usually call him simply "bullet". if you call him "last" he doesn't respond.
What is their species?
he's a pegasus
What do they look like?
he has a pale grey coat and wings, but the quills are black. mane and tail are striped light blue and dark blue. he's quite skinny.
What are their tag skills?
he's skilled in firearms, medicine and sneak
What is their personality like at game start?
he's patient and very quiet but he doesn't like loneliness, he likes music and he's not afraid to "get his hoofs dirty"
Why is your character adventuring in general?
he finds out that adventuring is the better way to get money and supplies for his family.
What is a bit of information about your character's background?
he couldn't stay more with his family because of an incident he couldn't forgive himself and he left they. since then he has been working as guard for many years, always bringing the earnings to the family.
What is a dramatic or impacting or important event that happened when your character was still growing up? What was your character's upbringing like?
because of an lack of attention of bullet, he and his family have got in financial trouble and has fallen apart.
How did they join this adventuring group in particular?
he couldn't keep being alone, and in this group he finds the companionship he has been looking for.
The group is not yet named. What do they want it to be called and why?
he thinks that names aren't that important, everything not offensive may be fine, but
he'd like to use a name that reminds of music.
Your character trusts the other adventurers with your life, as they are your comrades. Why, and how did they earn your character's trust, and your character theirs?
bullet isn't pretentious, if you are honest and do your best for the group, he can walk side by side with you.
One of the core concepts of this game is that you are -at least relatively- a hero. You can still have flaws and want profit and stuff, but your viewpoint will likely enable you to go out and do right by people. This is an aberrant viewpoint in the wastes. How did you come across this viewpoint? How do you express it?
he couldn't stand to live in a hopeless world anymore. the experience of his years as a guard makes him change, and he starts thinking that if he doesn't start to work for a better place, no one would do; there are a lot of good ponies that deserve a better world.
There will be a chance for romance in this game, and the main characters are of a broad mix of species, with a distinct mix of genders. How does your character view romance?
bullet thinks that romantic involvements should been avoided in this type of work, the death is too near for allow your love to do this things, furthermore his family is more important.
The group will be in violent confrontations. Sometimes against monsters, sometimes against ponies, sometimes against robots. When something goes 'rar' and tries to eat the group, how does your character contribute to the group's success in a violent confrontation?
"have we enough bullets?"
The group will sometimes be exploring and looting in peaceful old prewar places. How does your character contribute to the success of these expeditions?
some times you have to be silent, if the circumstance needs he can stealthy explore unknown areas.
The group will sometimes come into issues when at town, usually social issues, but not always. How does your character contribute to being useful when interacting with peaceful townsfolk?
he's not a medic, but thanks his experience as guard he gained some skills about how to take care of somebody.
What skills will your character be best at first?
he had discovered his ability with guns after leaving his family.
By level 20, what will they have branched out into being good at, and how will they use those skills?
I don't know, the evolution of bullet will be decided by the game.
What are some of your character's major goals? What about dreams, the sorts of things that go beyond a goal that they feel it is appropriate to work towards?
his goal is redeem himself and come back to his family. he dreams to bring his family to a better life.
What are some of your character's minor goals? Like to find particular items, or to delve particular areas, or to uncover the secrets of a particular mystery?
be able to find a place warless and painless for his family. he would like to bring some hope in ponies heart, showing that isn't necessary be a hero to help ponies.
What does your character covet?
watching ponies that have power and are well liked makes him uncomfortable and envying.
What sorts of capabilities do you see as appropriate for your character to gain in trained perks, or quest perks, or book perks, or achievement perks, or other 'not leveling' sorts of things?
thinking of quest perks, the cyberpony would be great, because he's not afraid to change for reach the power he needs to help ponies.
If you need to describe things that are important to your character concept's mechanics using core perks, what are some of the most important perks?
What of the finer things in life does your character most enjoy, and why?
he loves music, dancing an singing. he's good at nothing of that things, but watching other ponies that can dancing and dinging cheerfully make he very happy. it reminds he of the time he has spent in his village.
How do you see your character's personality and viewpoint changing as the story progresses?
that depends of how the story and the other characters will grow, I'm not going to make a character impervious to the struggles of the party.
What is your character's name? Their nickname? That thing that people call your character sometimes that really annoys them?
my character is Last Bullet. he don't have a nickname and friends usually call him simply "bullet". if you call him "last" he doesn't respond.
What is their species?
he's a pegasus
What do they look like?
he has a pale grey coat and wings, but the quills are black. mane and tail are striped light blue and dark blue. he's quite skinny.
What are their tag skills?
he's skilled in firearms, medicine and sneak
What is their personality like at game start?
he's patient and very quiet but he doesn't like loneliness, he likes music and he's not afraid to "get his hoofs dirty"
Why is your character adventuring in general?
he finds out that adventuring is the better way to get money and supplies for his family.
What is a bit of information about your character's background?
he couldn't stay more with his family because of an incident he couldn't forgive himself and he left they. since then he has been working as guard for many years, always bringing the earnings to the family.
What is a dramatic or impacting or important event that happened when your character was still growing up? What was your character's upbringing like?
because of an lack of attention of bullet, he and his family have got in financial trouble and has fallen apart.
How did they join this adventuring group in particular?
he couldn't keep being alone, and in this group he finds the companionship he has been looking for.
The group is not yet named. What do they want it to be called and why?
he thinks that names aren't that important, everything not offensive may be fine, but
he'd like to use a name that reminds of music.
Your character trusts the other adventurers with your life, as they are your comrades. Why, and how did they earn your character's trust, and your character theirs?
bullet isn't pretentious, if you are honest and do your best for the group, he can walk side by side with you.
One of the core concepts of this game is that you are -at least relatively- a hero. You can still have flaws and want profit and stuff, but your viewpoint will likely enable you to go out and do right by people. This is an aberrant viewpoint in the wastes. How did you come across this viewpoint? How do you express it?
he couldn't stand to live in a hopeless world anymore. the experience of his years as a guard makes him change, and he starts thinking that if he doesn't start to work for a better place, no one would do; there are a lot of good ponies that deserve a better world.
There will be a chance for romance in this game, and the main characters are of a broad mix of species, with a distinct mix of genders. How does your character view romance?
bullet thinks that romantic involvements should been avoided in this type of work, the death is too near for allow your love to do this things, furthermore his family is more important.
The group will be in violent confrontations. Sometimes against monsters, sometimes against ponies, sometimes against robots. When something goes 'rar' and tries to eat the group, how does your character contribute to the group's success in a violent confrontation?
"have we enough bullets?"
The group will sometimes be exploring and looting in peaceful old prewar places. How does your character contribute to the success of these expeditions?
some times you have to be silent, if the circumstance needs he can stealthy explore unknown areas.
The group will sometimes come into issues when at town, usually social issues, but not always. How does your character contribute to being useful when interacting with peaceful townsfolk?
he's not a medic, but thanks his experience as guard he gained some skills about how to take care of somebody.
What skills will your character be best at first?
he had discovered his ability with guns after leaving his family.
By level 20, what will they have branched out into being good at, and how will they use those skills?
I don't know, the evolution of bullet will be decided by the game.
What are some of your character's major goals? What about dreams, the sorts of things that go beyond a goal that they feel it is appropriate to work towards?
his goal is redeem himself and come back to his family. he dreams to bring his family to a better life.
What are some of your character's minor goals? Like to find particular items, or to delve particular areas, or to uncover the secrets of a particular mystery?
be able to find a place warless and painless for his family. he would like to bring some hope in ponies heart, showing that isn't necessary be a hero to help ponies.
What does your character covet?
watching ponies that have power and are well liked makes him uncomfortable and envying.
What sorts of capabilities do you see as appropriate for your character to gain in trained perks, or quest perks, or book perks, or achievement perks, or other 'not leveling' sorts of things?
thinking of quest perks, the cyberpony would be great, because he's not afraid to change for reach the power he needs to help ponies.
If you need to describe things that are important to your character concept's mechanics using core perks, what are some of the most important perks?
What of the finer things in life does your character most enjoy, and why?
he loves music, dancing an singing. he's good at nothing of that things, but watching other ponies that can dancing and dinging cheerfully make he very happy. it reminds he of the time he has spent in his village.
How do you see your character's personality and viewpoint changing as the story progresses?
that depends of how the story and the other characters will grow, I'm not going to make a character impervious to the struggles of the party.
- Undostrescuatro
- Posts: 25
- Joined: Thu Nov 28, 2013 9:06 pm
Re: Recruiting Players: "The Heart of Equestria" (Skype/Sund
What times, EST / GMT -5, exactly, can you play? And what is your ranking of Skype with a web roller, Roll20 or similar, or IRC for preferred gaming method?
What is your character's name? Their nickname? That thing that people call your character sometimes that really annoys them?
What is their species and gender and age?
male unicorn, 30.
What do they look like?
lean tall like carrot cake.
What are their tag skills?
Barter, Mechanic, Energy Weapons
What is their personality like at game start?
Calmed, Pacifist, Observant
Why is your character adventuring in general?
A trinket seller he scavenges then fixes what he can and sells the stuff.
What is a bit of information about your character's background?
a unicorn that inherited the business from his parents. we scavenges more as a necessity and desire to find treasures than out of wanderlust.
What is a dramatic or impacting or important event that happened when your character was still growing up? What was your character's upbringing like?
he was forced to flee from organized crime that threatened his family business and caused his parents death (natural deaths caused by the exodus).
How did they join this adventuring group in particular?
id prefer to answer that question with the players at the time we gather.
The group is not yet named. What do they want it to be called and why?
Magic Lamp (mysterious, magical, and you don't want to rub it the wrong way)
Your character trusts the other adventurers with his life, as they are your comrades. Why, and how did they earn your character's trust, and your character theirs?
By being a normal caring pony. something unusual in the wasteland.
One of the core concepts of this game is that you are -at least relatively- a hero. You can still have flaws and want profit and stuff, but your viewpoint will likely enable you to go out and do right by people. This is an aberrant viewpoint in the wastes. How did you come across this viewpoint? How does your character express it?
his parents instilled a sense of servitude “to serve is divine, but they are not servants” he basically sees himself as a service provider.
There will be a chance for romance in this game, and the main characters are of a broad mix of species, with a distinct mix of genders. How does your character view romance?
like finding diamonds in a coal mine, love is something strange and very valuable. romance though is the way the coals pretend to be diamonds.
The group will be in violent confrontations. Sometimes against monsters, sometimes against ponies, sometimes against robots. When something goes 'rar' and tries to eat the group, how does your character contribute to the group's success in a violent confrontation? Pay specific attention to what weapons, tactics, and fighting styles you see your character drawn to.
Observation, Tactics, advice and plain old accuracy.
The group will sometimes be exploring and looting in peaceful old prewar places. How does your character contribute to the success of these expeditions?
his expertise in Appraisal and searching skills.
The group will sometimes come into issues when at town, usually social issues, but not always. How does your character contribute to being useful when interacting with peaceful townsfolk?
In Negotiation, he is good at being fair in business.
What skills will your character be best at first?
By level 20, what will they have branched out into being good at, and how will they use those skills?
Medicine, mostly for dealing with first aid.
What are some of your character's major goals? What about dreams, the sorts of things that go beyond a goal that they feel it is appropriate to work towards?
have either a Big enough business so he can't be touched, or a calm wanderer life away from problems.
What are some of your character's minor goals? Like to find particular items, or to delve particular areas, or to uncover the secrets of a particular mystery?
old prewar Advanced Tech, big machines, restoring facilities, recovering technology.
What does your character covet?
Stability and Recognition.
What sorts of capabilities do you see as appropriate for your character to gain in trained perks, or quest perks, or book perks, or achievement perks, or other 'not leveling' sorts of things?
i prefer those to happen naturally
If you need to describe things that are important to your character concept's mechanics using core perks, what are some of the most important perks?
Fortune Finder, Strong Back.
What of the finer things in life does your character most enjoy, and why?
Good food and Pristine Weapons. they need time and attention in order to work properly.
What is some sort of legend of the wastes that your character wants to see for themselves?
a Landlord or a Seller of Oddities.
What are some other miscellaneous things, in particular, that your character wants to quest for?
Anything of Value
What does your character want to create or make?
a Big Business front.
What do they want to do when they are too old to adventure, or otherwise disinclined to adventure?
reap the rewards of his work
What unjustice of history or the wastes really gets your character's ire going?
Abuse of power
What thing or group in the wastes does your character hate, and what do they want to do to those things or that group?
Casino Gangs feeding on peoples dreams.
What does your character fear, and why do they fear that thing, and what do they want to do about it?
Fears to live a short life because his pride puts him in conflict with oppressors.
What theme, as in storytelling theme, do you see your character's personal story being about?
a Unwilling leader or an advisor building a strong society of mercs and workers.
How do you see your character's personality and viewpoint changing as the story progresses?
you die like a hero or live long enough to become the villain.
What is your character's name? Their nickname? That thing that people call your character sometimes that really annoys them?
What is their species and gender and age?
male unicorn, 30.
What do they look like?
lean tall like carrot cake.
What are their tag skills?
Barter, Mechanic, Energy Weapons
What is their personality like at game start?
Calmed, Pacifist, Observant
Why is your character adventuring in general?
A trinket seller he scavenges then fixes what he can and sells the stuff.
What is a bit of information about your character's background?
a unicorn that inherited the business from his parents. we scavenges more as a necessity and desire to find treasures than out of wanderlust.
What is a dramatic or impacting or important event that happened when your character was still growing up? What was your character's upbringing like?
he was forced to flee from organized crime that threatened his family business and caused his parents death (natural deaths caused by the exodus).
How did they join this adventuring group in particular?
id prefer to answer that question with the players at the time we gather.
The group is not yet named. What do they want it to be called and why?
Magic Lamp (mysterious, magical, and you don't want to rub it the wrong way)
Your character trusts the other adventurers with his life, as they are your comrades. Why, and how did they earn your character's trust, and your character theirs?
By being a normal caring pony. something unusual in the wasteland.
One of the core concepts of this game is that you are -at least relatively- a hero. You can still have flaws and want profit and stuff, but your viewpoint will likely enable you to go out and do right by people. This is an aberrant viewpoint in the wastes. How did you come across this viewpoint? How does your character express it?
his parents instilled a sense of servitude “to serve is divine, but they are not servants” he basically sees himself as a service provider.
There will be a chance for romance in this game, and the main characters are of a broad mix of species, with a distinct mix of genders. How does your character view romance?
like finding diamonds in a coal mine, love is something strange and very valuable. romance though is the way the coals pretend to be diamonds.
The group will be in violent confrontations. Sometimes against monsters, sometimes against ponies, sometimes against robots. When something goes 'rar' and tries to eat the group, how does your character contribute to the group's success in a violent confrontation? Pay specific attention to what weapons, tactics, and fighting styles you see your character drawn to.
Observation, Tactics, advice and plain old accuracy.
The group will sometimes be exploring and looting in peaceful old prewar places. How does your character contribute to the success of these expeditions?
his expertise in Appraisal and searching skills.
The group will sometimes come into issues when at town, usually social issues, but not always. How does your character contribute to being useful when interacting with peaceful townsfolk?
In Negotiation, he is good at being fair in business.
What skills will your character be best at first?
By level 20, what will they have branched out into being good at, and how will they use those skills?
Medicine, mostly for dealing with first aid.
What are some of your character's major goals? What about dreams, the sorts of things that go beyond a goal that they feel it is appropriate to work towards?
have either a Big enough business so he can't be touched, or a calm wanderer life away from problems.
What are some of your character's minor goals? Like to find particular items, or to delve particular areas, or to uncover the secrets of a particular mystery?
old prewar Advanced Tech, big machines, restoring facilities, recovering technology.
What does your character covet?
Stability and Recognition.
What sorts of capabilities do you see as appropriate for your character to gain in trained perks, or quest perks, or book perks, or achievement perks, or other 'not leveling' sorts of things?
i prefer those to happen naturally
If you need to describe things that are important to your character concept's mechanics using core perks, what are some of the most important perks?
Fortune Finder, Strong Back.
What of the finer things in life does your character most enjoy, and why?
Good food and Pristine Weapons. they need time and attention in order to work properly.
What is some sort of legend of the wastes that your character wants to see for themselves?
a Landlord or a Seller of Oddities.
What are some other miscellaneous things, in particular, that your character wants to quest for?
Anything of Value
What does your character want to create or make?
a Big Business front.
What do they want to do when they are too old to adventure, or otherwise disinclined to adventure?
reap the rewards of his work
What unjustice of history or the wastes really gets your character's ire going?
Abuse of power
What thing or group in the wastes does your character hate, and what do they want to do to those things or that group?
Casino Gangs feeding on peoples dreams.
What does your character fear, and why do they fear that thing, and what do they want to do about it?
Fears to live a short life because his pride puts him in conflict with oppressors.
What theme, as in storytelling theme, do you see your character's personal story being about?
a Unwilling leader or an advisor building a strong society of mercs and workers.
How do you see your character's personality and viewpoint changing as the story progresses?
you die like a hero or live long enough to become the villain.
Re: Recruiting Players: "The Heart of Equestria" (Skype/Sund
Congratulations to Tennis with Gwendolyn the Griffin, and Nexus with Nex the Earth Pony, And Green/TPF with Nydar the Changeling, and Lazy with Bullet the Pegasus, and Undos with Lupe the Unicorn! You all made it in. I wanted to include others, but there were some scheduling issues and some folk didn't quite get their sheets done. Solo especially, your scheduling issues seemed to be the deal breaker, even with a very very strong character, and I'm very sad that Cyber/Spider and his Zebra couldn't make this game. That said, there ARE some scheduling issues -- Nex and Green seem to have mutually exclusive time slots, but I'm going to start the game and just see what happens; I'll probably pick one of you later tonight, but both of you can at least be in the first game. Secondly, Solo (who wasn't present on this forum) had a VERY VERY strong character, and expressed interest in sometimes spectating; perhaps if someone doesn't make it, Solo could run their character for them? I don't know, I will invite you all to the roll20 chat room, we'll hash it out there. Check your PM's / Steam / Skype / etc., everypony!
My Skype is my username, please contact me that way if you want to reach me.