by Viewing_Glass » Tue Jun 25, 2013 1:32 pm
Viewing Glass
Doesn't really get the chance to shoot things much. Looking at a Zebra Rifle, a Railway Rifle, a Hunting Shotgun and a Hunting Rifle. One gun for each range, really.
Shadow Step
Melee Primary, just starting into MEW weaponry. Has a machete (for cooking, primarily), a Sledgehammer, a Pick-Axe, and a Recharger Pistol. The Pick-Axe is a custom weapon invented by Dimestream. It is a Warclub that does an additional 1d10 of damage, and has the special attack: Gold Rush. For an additional 5 AP (total, 30 AP attack) the attack is considered to have Armor Piercing Light.
No ranged weapons, but she is a pegasus, so why does she need ranged weapons when you are that fast? She currently only has brass shoes, but is about to have a pair of boxing socks (Mad_Modd's list) and some wingblades. She is also known for bucking lightning out of clouds.
Strange Brew
Explosives, Firearms, and Melee Zony. She has an Anti-Pony Grenade Rifle, a few frag mines, THE JUDGE (a .45 auto revolver that can fire either shotgun shells (damage as per the caravan shotgun + 1d10) or .45 ammunition (damage as per the .45 pistol +1d10)) and an Enchanted Bush Gun. The Bush Gun may be cursed...don't know yet. She also has a nasty little Hatchet.