FO:E PnP Roleplay Group (Blue Team) Concluded

A place to discuss any PnP (Pen and Paper) role-playing games you are working on.
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Re: FO:E PnP Roleplay Group (Blue Team)

Post by icekatze » Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:51 pm

hi hi

I'm back from my trip! Everything went great, and there weren't even any changelings. Well, I might have been a changeling myself, since more than one person mistook me for my brother at one point in time or another... but I didn't try to trick anyone.

Anyways, I hope everyone is ready to get back into the game. If anyone needs a refresher on what is going on, you can check out the logs or just send me a message for the cliffs notes. :)

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Re: FO:E PnP Roleplay Group (Blue Team)

Post by Shady_steps » Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:54 pm

Good to hear you had fun, NOW BACK TO WORK! "cracks whip"

Silliness aside good to hear things went well, see you on Friday!

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Re: FO:E PnP Roleplay Group (Blue Team)

Post by icekatze » Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:28 pm

hi hi

A couple of people mentioned the desire to move the game to another time. I am hesitant about the notion, if only because it was a monumental feat to find a playing time at all when this game started up, but I am open to the idea if there is a clearly better option available.

So with that in mind, if we can come up with a unanimous decision to change to a specific time, then we can probably make that happen. If one person is going to be left out though, I am inclined to stay where we are.

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Re: FO:E PnP Roleplay Group (Blue Team)

Post by Shady_steps » Sat Jul 27, 2013 11:00 pm

i am at GMT 0 and have lots of free time at the moment (MIGHT change soon but i doubt it) so if the game runs an hour or two earlier it would be nice ^^

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Re: FO:E PnP Roleplay Group (Blue Team)

Post by icekatze » Sun Aug 11, 2013 1:12 pm

hi hi

It would seem that, while there is not a huge amount of interest in our current time slot, there is no more interest in a different one. Should that ever change though, I'll still be here to listen.

In other news, I made a little stealth cheat sheet, since we're going to be doing a "stealth mission," during the next session. I will be keeping track of your stealth attempts, as well as the various modifiers that go into it, for the various entities you may or may not encounter. If you would like to keep track of yourself, this might come in handy.

Stealth Cheat Sheet

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Re: FO:E PnP Roleplay Group (Blue Team)

Post by icekatze » Fri Aug 30, 2013 9:24 am

hi hi

Just a quick heads up. I'm going to be going to the hospital shortly. Hopefully it is nothing serious, but if nobody hears from me by game time, that is probably where I am.

Update: It appears that I will probably live, so that is good. It would seem that I probably have an inflamed nerve in my neck, which hopefully will ease off soon. I hope.

Anyways, game is still on for tonight. (Friday, August 30th) I just might be a little slow in my replies because my left hand feels like it is half asleep.

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Re: FO:E PnP Roleplay Group (Blue Team)

Post by icekatze » Fri Oct 04, 2013 5:35 pm

hi hi

Some clarification on how stealth and detection is working in this current scenario.

Your average, run of the mill NPC is going to have an alertness of 10. Zebras have a racial bonus to this, and experienced NPCs can also have higher than normal scores. The griffins that are on the lookout have 15 alertness. They are specifically looking for ponies/zebras in a specific target area, giving them a +10 for those conditions, but a -10 for all other things. Griffin spotters, however, have an alertness of 20 (but they have poorer combat abilities in return.)

To sneak into short range of a griffin guard undetected, you would need to pass a stealth check of 25, and a check of at least 30 for a griffin spotter.

However, you are near the threshold of long and artillery range from the nearest griffin guard post. That reduces their chance to spot you by 10... which means a stealth check of 15-20 is enough to avoid being spotted by a griffin.

The Mwana Baatii scouts have, on average, an alertness of 18. (They may have a few more exceptional individuals, though.) You are at short range from any scouts that might be in the bank building at the moment.

However, the Mwana Baatii are currently not looking for you. They are on the lookout for griffins flying around above, and are possibly distracted by a mysterious voice that one of them heard in the basement of the bank building. So for the ones that are on griffin lookout, are actually at a -5 penalty to see you sneaking around on the ground.

Additionally, as night falls, vision modifiers may make spotting things more difficult, for those that don't have any kind of compensation device or magic. (Bloodwings, for instance, don't suffer penalties from low light.)

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Re: FO:E PnP Roleplay Group (Blue Team)

Post by icekatze » Thu Oct 31, 2013 11:47 pm

hi hi

Just a quick reminder to everyone who is in different time zones: Daylight savings will end in my time zone on November 3rd. So on Friday, November 8th, be aware that the game may seem to start an hour earlier. As always, it will be 8:00PM Central time.

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Re: FO:E PnP Roleplay Group (Blue Team)

Post by icekatze » Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:36 am

hi hi

I just wanted to give folks a heads up: We are now into the month of November, that means Winter Holiday season is approaching in the USA. Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner and there is a good chance that I will have to spend some Fridays around those two holidays doing stuff with the family. I don't have any concrete schedules figured out, but I will let people know as soon as I can if any game sessions are going to be cancelled.

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Re: FO:E PnP Roleplay Group (Blue Team)

Post by AMARDA » Tue Nov 05, 2013 6:30 pm

Xavi character sheet that we need more of!

Go look guys!

Xavi, target 45: 97 [5d100=16,2,32,26,21]

Epic set of rolls is epic.

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