“Apple Pie” I actually got a little chocked up over that

You built the cornerstone from starmetal? That is so not a good idea.
It’s not good when they split up, not good...
Damn, Calamity is hurting here. This is pushing him to him limits, maybe further.
So, now we know the hat isn’t glued on

Klepto Calamity, gotta love him

Magic moss-burning fire? I wasn’t expecting that, but I am relieved.
Ok, that was foreshadowed perfectly! I should have seen the pieces!
I actually almost side with the hellhound in this case, I hope the substitute will be enough.
They have arrived

Dammit, you had me scared for Homage for a minute there!
OMG, poor Littlepip, she deserves at least one more time with her love.
Population control, I hadn’t considered that, but makes sense.
Damn, the forest just doesn’t let up, does it!
Was that from a memory orb or was it just a dream?
Broadcasters, nasty things.
I get the feeling that poison will be having an impact later.
Re: Picking locks. Regina cracks me up sometimes, but she does have a point.
No tail love in this group LOL
Re: Mares. Geeze Littlepip, wandering eye much?
Re: “scavenging” XD Calamity, sometimes I think you’re happiest when your finding unattached items

Re: Broadcasters. Ok, those are actually really useful weapons!
Re: Mint-als. Don’t do it, what would Homage think.
Re: Resistance. Good for you Littlepip!
Re: Swear. Damn, that’s a good one XD
Re: Plan. Someone needs to stop letting her make the plans.
OMG, the mother and foal...
Re: Kage’s Approvial. Maybe Regina can still learn, her brother was a good role model.
Re: Tortoise. !!!!! Damn, awesome!
So, the Enclave flap their wings to fly the ships? Damn, that’s some power!
The dragon, he returns! *happy dance*
Re: Cyber Dragon. Red eye, you so silly

Re: Discord. Wow, I remember the discussion about this after those episodes, I’m glad you were able to bring them up. As for what happened to him, I like Icicle’s theory

Re: Audio log. I’m siding with Red Eye here way too much, this is not comfortable.
Re: Doc Slaughter. Ok, that pony creeps me out!
Re: Manticore Doctor. I was wondering if we were going to hear about him again.
Doctor Glue needs his mouth washed out with soap.
Rock Paper Scissors! Poor ponies, they suck at that game XD
Yep, every time they split up, something bad happens

“Did you just invite me to monologue?” LMFAO!
I kinda figured this was where it was heading, Littlepip and Red Eye merging... eeeewwwww!
“I mentally divorced myself from Red Eye” *laughing too hard, can’t breath, help!*
Ok, hellhounds was not what I was expecting either, awesome!
Damn, did not expect Littlepip to be able to pull the trigger. She did good, although I’m sure that’s going to come back to haunt her.
Velvet, getting captured to heal something that would kill you? That is so... you.
Re: For Canterlot! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!
Regina! No!
Ok, this is one of my favorite chapters so far. It has managed to tie up a few story lines nicely and move on to what I assume will be the final chapters. Everyone was perfect here, Littlepip making some very tough choices, Velvet making Velvet-y choices, Regina growing as a character, and Calamity having to go against his own brother.
Only one line in the whole story bothered me, “Her head slumped in defeat.”. The change from first person to third person seemed jarring. But, in a massive chapter such as this, a single line is not even a concern. You have out done yourself again Kkat, I look forward to the next chapter.