That mirror scene is still one of the most powerful scenes in the story so far in my opinion, I go back and re-read it often.
“I died” I actually had to stop reading for a moment there, I realized I had been holding my breath and reading that hit me heard.
I think this is the first time heaven and hell have been mentioned. I had assumed the ponies had no concepts of this seeing as how their religion is so different.
Bones, everywhere in the wasteland, even here. This always makes me sad, all these lives gone, nobody to remember them, no sign of even who they were. Just nameless bones.
I had not thought of that, it’s the act of sending a message, even subconsciously, that triggers it. That makes sense, but it doesn’t link well to “Griffon the Brush-Off”, I don’t think Spike would have been trying to send those scrolls as a message.
And, it’s discussed in the next paragraph

Nightmare Moon security, that would certainly cause any zebras that managed to get in to second guess their decision.
The image of Celestia spreading her wings across the screens... that is a powerful mental image there!
“You are Littlepip, she of the colorful vulgarities, am I right?” I am laughing so hard right now!
Celestia’s been living with that for over 200 years. Something like that would destroy a persons soul. She Herself created the wasteland.
I knew disconnecting the mainframes from the controls would come back again someday, but not like this, not as a prison.
Homage, in Rockopolis, one of the tragic spots on FO3. I was truly chocked up when I found it in the game, I had almost come to know this ghoul through the radio plays and stories. I walked away from the game at that point, didn’t play again for hours. Now, Homage is there and those feelings have come back up again.
Re: Threesome. OMG Littlepip, do you ever think before you speak? XD
I guess we aren’t going to learn about Rainbow dash. I’m ok with that, like Littlepip thought “It’s good that there are still some mysteries.”
And full circle. Why am I crying now?
There’s one part in the story, the end of the prologue, that always causes me to get chocked up no matter how often I read it It did the first time, when I started reading it because I was sick and had nothing better to do thinking it would be a little diversion. And, it has the other eighteen times I’ve read the story from the beginning. They are the words that I associate most with the story, the words that always make me cry.
“my name is LittlePip … Pleased to meet you. Here is my story...”
Thank you Kkat, you have brought back my love of reading that I had thought I had lost long ago.