Which PnP RPG's have you played?

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Which PnP RPG's have you played?

Post by Arcane_Scroll » Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:03 am

Just curious, I'm always interested in seeing what other folk played.

I don't play anymore, but here are the ones I loved playing the most.
  • D&D - This is where I got my start as a young kid, it was my obsession for years.

    AD&D - My next step, at this point I wasn't playing much but got really heavy into world building. I spent months creating an entire world, complete with different species, societies, cultures, laws, rulers, and their interactions with each other. Only a few times did I ever actually play in this world, but I was loosing interest in the RP portion.

    Palladium RPG - This got me back into RPG's, the level of detail in this world setting was amazing, the detailed history was wonderful, and the cultures were fascinating. I played as a Wolfen male, spell caster I think, my favorite species.

    Heroes Unlimited - We got weird with this one, the setup was we were just a bunch of normal humans that survived a plane crash and discovered the hideout of a group of super heroes that had not been seen in years. We found their remains, obviously attacked and killed by something that could tear them apart. Whatever it was, was still inside the building. So, it was a survival game where the only goal was to live another day. Great fun and we came up with some creative ideas to survive. My character was a kid whose parents didn't survive the crash, I basically handled recon, crawling through vents and such.

    Toon RPG - Pure Non-Stop Fun! I was lucky to team up with a group that were true fans of the classics, Tom & Jerry, Loony Toons, Road Runner, etc. Sure, we mostly just recycled plots from Tom & Jerry, but it was the most fun I'd ever had in an RPG.

    Robotech RPG - I only played a few times in a friends game. It was a fun setting, but held back by trying to fit in to the Robotech story line. I would have handled it as a group away from the main story, just trying to survive.

    TMNT RPG - Cheesy fun, loved every minute of it, played a mutated dog bookworm type.

    Star Wars Custom RPG - We based it on the Palladium system since it was easily adaptable to damn near anything. It was set on Endor after the death star exploded wiping out much of the land. I played as a Jedi trained Ewok with a strong mistrust of both the Empire and the Rebels, seeing them both as equally responsible for the destruction of her world. The entire campaign was about our group leading our people on a quest to find a new home. Picture a small group of warriors with about 30 NPC's along. Imagine my surprise when I discovered Kkat had created some wonderful Ewok artwork that would have fit perfectly into our setting.

    After The Bomb - Once our group broke up, I dabbled in After the Bomb for a while. I totally fell in love with it but by this time I had too little time and too much going on in my life so I fell out of RPG's at this point.
I know I'm missing a few there, but these were the important ones for me. If there was one RPG I would someday like to get back into, it would be the Star Wars one. We never did finish our campaign, internal drama pushed us apart.

So, what have you played?

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Re: Which PnP RPG's have you played?

Post by Nightmare Luna » Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:30 am

wow you've played quite a bit.

Well my list

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WHFRP for short)- Played both the 2nd edition and the new version with the cards. Currently taking part in a campaign, playing a Dwarven Ironbreaker, with a Dwarf emissary, a Hight Elf Sword Master and wizard (who is rather crazy.) These characters don't get along much, maybe my fault as I always start a session asking "How are we going to kill the elf today?"... Never works out, bag. Its a pretty kick ass system. Don't need a million source books to remember what you skills do as they are all on cards. Its a great place for new people to the roleplaying scene. Plus its done by Fantasyflight games so its good quality.

Shadowrun- This is where I started and is one of my favourite settings but the systems are a bit strange in places. Had a campaign going a bit ago but we just kinda stopped. Was getting good as well.

Dark Hersey/Rogue Trader- Not actually started yet but I'm being poked by some friends to do a campaign in one of these setting, actually got most a a session in my head. May actually have ago one day.

All Flesh- ZOMBIES! What more can I say? Fun system, really easy to play and run. If you can find a ruleboook, but it and play. As I said, its zombie slaying woth your buddies, what more do you want?

Ironclaw- Yes I dabbled in this setting as well. It's main problem was the sooo many different dice it need, basically you need them all. And it had test's for pretty much everything. Was still a pretty good system, but don't think I will be running back to it.

Improvised roleplaying- This is what my group normally do. Get a setting, a popular for us is the Cthulhul mythos, role some characters with a basic stat line and go with it. I've had so much fun with these ones and I'm looking forward to our next one next month. You can do whatever you wan't really, as long as your GM has a sound head on his shoulders and doesn't go crazy. Making things up is fun!

My little list, missed the whole D&D thing which I hear is a good thing from some people. Got many years of roleplaying a head of me and I look forward to them all.
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Re: Which PnP RPG's have you played?

Post by otherunicorn » Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:46 am

I don't even remember the name of the first rpg I used to play. It was written by a local fellow - who was the GM the few times I did play. It was based on a concept taken from a Harry Harrison Stainless Steel Rat novel. In fact, it was Predator, well before Predator came along, with the twist that the hunters (players) usually found themselves as the hunted!

Next was Cyberpunk 2020. This was the core of it all. I used to write Cyberpunk stories on alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo back when the internet was newsgroups. There was a long running game with the players as Australian Federal Police. The was one another friend ran, but his inflexibility and lack of understanding of the real world pretty much doomed that. I was the only player he could keep! The final (doomed) game was about a group of eco nuts going against the corps, which was fun for a while, especially as my character was the daughter of the CEO of one these corps, and she was highly ranked in the company herself, as well as being the (active) mascot of the eco mob.

I also GMed a series of Cyberpunk Next Gen games which followed the kids of our characters from the Fed game.

I played a few games of what I think was Traveler. Pretty boring as it was essentially a reminiscing trip for a gathering of old players, of which I was not one. They were treating old NPCs better than new players!

I also played a few games of some sort of Marvel superheros thing. Same as above applies. Same people. Same slavery to games from before my time.

Basically I dropped out of the games that were running when one asshole decided to go weird on us, and pretty much had it in for my character, or in the case of the games I was running, point blank refused to take any hint or clue then complained about being bored. Apparently all the games dissolved a week after I left. I guess I wasn't the only one who was pissed off. That group then went on sans me and the asshole to play other stuff like star trek.

My final three games were single session things - one as a US Sergeant in Vietnam. Freeform game. No rules used. Very experienced game group.
-the second was as the GM, and I played out the final sections of what had been the game I had been running before, but modified to match the short stories I had written. In the end, that game became part of the storys. Again, it was played free form.
-the third was to put the group through the paces as the characters of a sci fi I had written back in the late 80's. I actually had players as both the bad and good guys, with appropriate objectives - two rival brothers, one out to do in the other and take the company from their father. Due to a pair of incompetants on the good side, the evil plot succedded! One of the good guys realized what was going on a few seconds too late - and was searching their stash of C4 for hidden detonators when it exploded.

So that's my history. I was really only active for a few years. It's probably been near 17-18 years since I played anything.

An amusing story goes with the freeform gamers. Before my time they had played a vampire(demon?) hunting campaign that had gone on for years - real and in game. The game had been started with the GM's idea of it being a single night's entertainment, but the players assumed the simple way of solving the problem/defeating the enemy would not work, so they never tried it! They even made comments to the effect that it would have been so easy if the simple methods did work, which had the GM extremely amused!

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Re: Which PnP RPG's have you played?

Post by Kkat » Tue Dec 27, 2011 5:51 pm

Played? The list is huge. I've probably missed quite a few here...
(*Stars denote favorite games)

Games that I barely played (short or unfinished campaigns):
Dungeons & Dragons (1st Edition)
Over the Edge
Rogue Trader
Ars Magica
Vampire: Dark Ages
Vampire: Requiem

Games that I have played and/or barely run:
Wraith: the Oblivion
Star Wars
Gamma World

Games that I have played and/or run extensively :
Vampire: the Masquerade
Werewolf: the Apocalypse
Mage: the Ascension*
Dungeons & Dragons (3 / 3.5 / 3.Kkat)

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Re: Which PnP RPG's have you played?

Post by otherunicorn » Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:03 pm

They guy that did Albedo was a local fellow too. I chatted to him over the phone a couple of times. I guess that was my first exposure to furry.

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Re: Which PnP RPG's have you played?

Post by Arcane_Scroll » Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:44 pm

I can't believe I forgot Albedo (barely played, but love the comic), Gamma World (loved it), Metamorphius Alpha (loved the setting) and Werewolf: The Apocalypse (loved the setting, hated the rule set).
Kkat wrote:3.Kkat
XD Sounds like you like to tweak the game rule sets too.

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Re: Which PnP RPG's have you played?

Post by Kkat » Thu Dec 29, 2011 2:54 pm


"3.Kkat" was a bit more than that, though. For approximately a decade, I ran a series of D&D campaigns (some short, some multi-year epics) set in an evolving homebrew world. We started when my friends picked up the brand new 3E Player's Handbook and badgered me to run a campaign. We didn't even have the DMG or the Monster Manual yet, so we had to come up with fixes of our own for some of the problems in the original edition. As new books and new editions came out, sometimes we adopted the new rules, sometimes we ignored them in favor of our own.

By an "evolving" world, I mean that each campaign was set sometime (often centuries) after the previous ones. So the actions of the heroes and the way they changed the world (particularly in epic games) became history for the next game. New races were created, the pantheon was re-written... and so I ended up with a binder of rules adjustments and character options, including a host of new feats, races and similar options. (One player even took the opportunity in a later game to play a cleric of one of his former characters, now a god.)

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Re: Which PnP RPG's have you played?

Post by icekatze » Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:12 pm

hi hi

Aww, I very nearly was in a TMNT roleplay game once upon a time, but the guy who was going to GM it moved away suddenly. (same GM that almost ran a Night Life campaign which I would have also liked to try, but everyone else wanted to play D&D instead)

Dungeons and Dragons is what got me started on roleplaying games waaay back in the day. An old friend introduced me to it when I was in 2nd grade round abouts, and then I learned that my dad had some old books of his own laying around.

Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition is the first RPG that I went out and bought myself, and that one lasted for quite a while. My friends and I used to make up all sorts of crazy worlds, campaigns and things. I don't think I could count how many different little games we tried with that one.

D&D 3rd edition I didn't really like this one very much, but I did play several games using it. Planescape, Legend of the 5 Rings, forgotten realms, tomb of horrors, and one horribly ill fated epic campaign that got people arguing over a single round of combat for hours. I didn't like how everything about your character had to be planned out in advance, especially with how rare feats were, and my friends were much better at cheesing the system than I was.

Shadowrun 3rd Edition I think this was probably one of first non-D&D games I played. It was very fun and lasted for quite a while, but nobody could ever figure out the matrix combat rules, and vehicle combat... we had a house rule. Once three shots had been fired, everyone just pulled over and fought each other on foot.

Shadowrun 4th Edition is one we still play just about every other thursday night over Mumble. It got a lot of things right, and made a few other things worse, but thats what house rules are for. All in all, a relatively flexible system.

Eclipse Phase is a game that I really wish I had more of a chance to play. Only ever got to play a few sessions of it here and there. Its a perfect setting for facing horrors from outer space, though some of the setting elements are a bit silly, it does what it needs to do. (The whole ability to switch bodies in the setting is great for the GM because it means you can kill your players and not feel guilty about it, they can always re-download from a backup.)

West End's Starwars (D6 version) was great. Its what finally sold me on game systems that didn't use character levels. We played an almost year long campaign that sadly ended before its conclusion. Plenty of great and memorable moments though.

My own homemade system #1 got a few games under its belt with my friends. Turns out, I liked the Starwars campaign that I was in so much, that I converted its rules into a Tolkienesque fantasy setting, along with a healthy set of house rules tacked on. Eventually I went and diverged so much with house rules that none of the original rules remained and I was left with my own homemade system #2 that I'm still poking at to this day.

Scion: Demi-god was a neat little game that I played a short campaign of a while back. It was a neat setting, but I think it probably would have been better at a lower powerlevel. It seems like once you get into demi-god range, you either succeed because you have so many automatic successes that nobody else can stand a chance, or you fail horribly.

Nobilis is a strange and beautiful RPG that is entirely narrative based. Your characters have stats, but there is no dice rolling whatsoever. Conflict is resolved by how badly you want to succeed, and thus, how much you're willing to give up to make it happen. Played a short game of that before our GM moved away, and it was pretty interesting.

Dogs in the Vineyard is a very cool little indie RPG that focuses on conversational conflict and relationships. Its sort of an old western with demons and you have to go around and root them out of various settlements. Conflict is decided by betting dice against your opponent. (If you can match your opponents bet with two dice, you succeed, if you need to use three or more, you take the blow, if you can't match it at all you lose the conflict.) I played one campaign of that and GM'd one where I switched out the setting for a steampunk setting.

GURPs is something I've played a few times here and there. One was a superheroes campaign, one was random passersby on the street that got sucked into the fairy realm only to find that victorian age Britons had gotten stuck there ages ago and were still trying to conquer it in the name of the queen, and just recently some friends of mine have been putting together a time travelling campaign where I'm planning to play a sentient velociraptor who can cast magic (and is in no small part based off of Twilight Sparkle's personality) The system itself can be very restricting, in spite of how many options it presents you.

In Nomine is a neat little game that I ran recently at the request of my friends. Angels vs demons and all that sort of thing. Lasted over a year which probably makes it one of my longest running campaigns ever. First one I actually concluded before someone moved away or something too. Rules were a little bit spotty, but its nothing a little creativity can't fix.

Vampire: The Masquerade was fun, I played in a medium length campaign of that once. It was set in the age of Jack the Ripper and I was a Malkavian who's derangement was that he heard all of the OOC chatter around the table as voices in his head, but whenever I talked back, it was in character.

Exalted I really wanted to play Lunars or Sidereals, but I've only ever played Solars. (And I'm not very good at character creation) However, it was pretty fun regardless of the fact that my character was very underpowered compared to my team mates. I made up for it by being clever and thinking of things the GM didn't expect.

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Re: Which PnP RPG's have you played?

Post by Waak » Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:36 pm

So, what have I played...

Forum RPG System #1:
This was a long time ago, and I don't even remember how the system even went - and on top of that, the site has taken down its RPG section. :pipshrug:

Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition: The one ruleset I have most experience with - be it on forums or in real life.

Homemade WIP System #1: Note: not made by me! I've played a few campaigns (no level-up feature) with this system and it is very cruel - you throw d6s and you can invest up to 15 points / skill. The harder the task, the more dices you roll. Simple and unforgiving at times but funny. Good news is that the creator added experience and level-up recently. Wonder how it goes then.

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Re: Which PnP RPG's have you played?

Post by Arcane_Scroll » Thu Dec 29, 2011 9:21 pm

Kkat wrote:By an "evolving" world, I mean that each campaign was set sometime (often centuries) after the previous ones. So the actions of the heroes and the way they changed the world (particularly in epic games) became history for the next game. New races were created, the pantheon was re-written... and so I ended up with a binder of rules adjustments and character options, including a host of new feats, races and similar options. (One player even took the opportunity in a later game to play a cleric of one of his former characters, now a god.)
That sounds awesome. I love the evolving world idea, history makes everything more "real", especially when you have a part in creating it.

I remember one campaign where we were all starting to loose interest in our characters, they really had no real reason to leave their homes anymore, so the next time we got together I asked everyone to write down how they saw their characters future and any children their characters might have. I gathered up these notes then started something that was totally fun, we gathered around the table and I started describing a funeral of one of the characters (he was described as having been killed by an unknown assassin), and had everyone play as one of the children. Then, I just winged it, the kids snuck out and went on a quest to discover the killer. The fun part was I had nothing planned ahead, it was all free form, made up as we went along. No dice, no charts, just everyone just enjoying a shared story. Was really one of the funnest, and hardest, RPG events I ever did. I had meant it as a one-shot, but it ended up being so popular that we continued it for at least a dozen more adventures.

icekatze wrote:Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition
I loved 2nd edition, my favorite of them all. We used 2nd with pieces from 1st mostly. I really couldn't get into 3rd edition and above.

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