Blackjack & Glory VERY early WiP

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Nightmare Luna
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Re: Blackjack & Glory VERY early WiP

Post by Nightmare Luna » Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:59 pm

Got the leg's back to how they where but the new Batman game has now distracted me...

But found out what caused it, my dad came into my room and knocked my table, thus knocking her over. No harm done just a little bit extra work for me to do in the morning/later tonight.
When life gives you lemons, it is because there is a horrifying monster in the next chamber with 400,000,000 HP, whose only weakness is lemons.

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Re: Blackjack & Glory VERY early WiP

Post by Nightmare Luna » Fri Oct 21, 2011 3:15 pm

Okay, so I've got Blackjack back together again. So annoying destructive cat's and clumsy father's aside I will be getting more work done on Glory tonight (going to force myself to stay up a bit, Red Bull for the win) and tomorrow.

But I was just messing around with the positioning of the two and found a pose I love so far But I think I will have to bake them together as it involves Glory's right fore leg going under Blackjack's hair. Will post a picture when I get the wing started.
When life gives you lemons, it is because there is a horrifying monster in the next chamber with 400,000,000 HP, whose only weakness is lemons.

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Re: Blackjack & Glory VERY early WiP

Post by Nightmare Luna » Sat Oct 22, 2011 5:00 am

Update: Done a lot of work on the wing this morning, but I think it's a little bit big. What do you guys think?
When life gives you lemons, it is because there is a horrifying monster in the next chamber with 400,000,000 HP, whose only weakness is lemons.

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Re: Blackjack & Glory VERY early WiP

Post by otherunicorn » Sat Oct 22, 2011 5:16 am

I think the more noticeable issue is the angle of the feathers. You'd be better doing a standard MLP "wingboner" wing, I think, even if it doesn't wrap right around Blackjack.

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Pinkie Pie!
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Re: Blackjack & Glory VERY early WiP

Post by Pinkie Pie! » Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:58 am

it is bigger than standard mlp wings, but i think this size would be more realistic (as far as realism goes for flying ponies).
also you might want to follow the link of shytalon (on deviantart) and change the orientation of the feathers a bit.
the only problem with this size of wing might be that it will be difficult to make the other wing if you want to make that one folded (idk if you want that one folded or spread out)
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Re: Blackjack & Glory VERY early WiP

Post by Nightmare Luna » Sat Oct 22, 2011 11:24 am

Yeah Shytalon's link is good but I'm having trouble visualizing how to actually do it with the clay and it's really starting to get too me. Grrrr, why is nothing ever simple /cry...

Okay, going to take a break, give this a good think and look for ideas before this drives me mad and I do something silly like I did with Pyrelight (I kinda threw her at a wall once or twice in the early stage's of creation.)
When life gives you lemons, it is because there is a horrifying monster in the next chamber with 400,000,000 HP, whose only weakness is lemons.

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Re: Blackjack & Glory VERY early WiP

Post by Nightmare Luna » Sun Oct 23, 2011 4:30 pm


I hate wings, that is all...
When life gives you lemons, it is because there is a horrifying monster in the next chamber with 400,000,000 HP, whose only weakness is lemons.

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Re: Blackjack & Glory VERY early WiP

Post by Nightmare Luna » Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:10 am

Got a new picture up! Think I'm starting to get the hang of this wing malarkey
When life gives you lemons, it is because there is a horrifying monster in the next chamber with 400,000,000 HP, whose only weakness is lemons.

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Pinkie Pie!
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Re: Blackjack & Glory VERY early WiP

Post by Pinkie Pie! » Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:19 am

oh wow, that wing looks amazing!
great job!
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Nightmare Luna
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Re: Blackjack & Glory VERY early WiP

Post by Nightmare Luna » Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:11 pm

The wing! IT IS FINISHED! And I actually really like it, so I hope you lot do as well.

Tomorrow I will be spending most of the day doing Glory's 2nd wing, going to be folded up on her side (scale may be a problem here, but I will find away around it) and her head and tail. Then we shall be done so on to the painting.

Already got the idea for my next project. Going to be my biggest yet. I've wanted to do something that's not only Fallout: Equestria but normal MLP as well (Hoping to get something up on EqD, if I do I could die a happy man.)

Going to recreate the main 6 as they would be as the statuettes! Need to go and buy some little statue stand thingies to find out the scale, don't wan't them to be too big so I'm aiming to get them out quickly. May see if I can get the slogan written on as well, so if someone who's either smart or good at looking thought the chapter's could find out what they say I would be greatly appreciative

Also I may see if people wanted to buy them, all money made will (If I get it in time) go to the BBC's Children In Need charity donations. As I wouldn't wan't to make money from a IP that isn't even mine. We shall see anyway.

BTW for you people stateside who may not know about Children In Need - here is a quick thing
When life gives you lemons, it is because there is a horrifying monster in the next chamber with 400,000,000 HP, whose only weakness is lemons.

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