FO:E PnP Roleplay Group (Blue Team) Concluded

A place to discuss any PnP (Pen and Paper) role-playing games you are working on.
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Re: FO:E PnP Roleplay Group (Blue Team)

Post by Kkat » Sat Apr 27, 2013 4:42 am

I'm really sorry that I couldn't log on sooner after getting to work. Busy night.

Could somebody please fill me in on what I missed and the XP we got? How long did the session go after I had to leave for work? What happened?

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Re: FO:E PnP Roleplay Group (Blue Team)

Post by AMARDA » Sat Apr 27, 2013 8:54 am

Not much Kkat. Xavi was a dick, the Rangers were grateful for your healing and Sky Shine got upset about the way things were going with Green Sister. Not the best recap but it's basically everything. Oh and we got 6 Exp.

P.S. Lucidity is awesome and so are you! We understand about life not being nice to schedules!

Xavi, target 45: 97 [5d100=16,2,32,26,21]

Epic set of rolls is epic.

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Re: FO:E PnP Roleplay Group (Blue Team)

Post by Shady_steps » Sat Apr 27, 2013 1:25 pm

Life should understand that pony time is the last bastion of freedom in a cold and un-pony world :<

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Re: FO:E PnP Roleplay Group (Blue Team)

Post by icekatze » Sat Apr 27, 2013 2:02 pm

hi hi

We didn't go for too much longer, maybe a half an hour or so. I think you missed a couple of experience points though, Xavi.

Don't feel too bad Shady, when you go out into that cold and un-pony world, you bring pony with you... and then, is it really non-pony anymore? :raritywink:

In other news, a couple of things came up last night that I would like to address.

First off, I had been letting it slide for a while, hoping it wouldn't become an issue but it finally did last night. Wind Chaser had been holding onto most all of the party's wealth, and since I still haven't heard anything from him about whether or not he is coming back -or even where he went- I went ahead and dropped 632 caps in the back of the Chrysalis that you all can split up however you like.

As much as I would like for him to return and have everything the way he left it, its not fair to everyone else now that the lack of equipment and items is becoming a concern.

The other thing is, I'd like to quickly go over how healing works again, just as a refresher. There are three basic types of healing. (This works the same way for living things and mechanical things.)

1. You have your basic first aid. This is where your character is not spending any resources, they're just rolling the dice. When you roll basic first aid, you compare the patient's health to the result of your roll.
• If your patient has more health points than what you rolled, they don't gain any health points. (However, it may help prevent infection, stop bleeding, or other status effects.)
• If your patient has fewer health points than what you rolled, you raise their health up to that number.
This doesn't cost you anything, you can do it multiple times, but you can't just heal someone back up to full health by first aiding over and over again. (unless you have improbably high levels of skill)

2. You have healing items and magic. This is where you are spending limited resources, materials, energy, etc. If you have healing bandages, potions, scrap armor plating, or whatever, you can simply add health points to the patient. (Some things require a skill roll to properly apply.)

3. The last kind is healing over time. Characters naturally heal over time, but someone with medicine can roll for long term care when the patient is resting. If they roll well, it will increase the natural healing rate.

So if people are not spending time to rest, unless you state that you are spending items or using magic, I am going to assume that you are doing basic first aid. Hopefully the distinction will make more sense once people get access to more medical supplies.

Anyways, I look forward to seeing you all next week. :twilightsmile:

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Re: FO:E PnP Roleplay Group (Blue Team)

Post by icekatze » Sat May 04, 2013 2:40 pm

hi hi

Since we took a break for the night in a place where you all are able to barter for items, I recommend that you consider what -if anything- you would like to get your hooves on, and if possible let me know ahead of time so I can prepare better for it. It has been a little while since you all had a chance to stock up, and this is a good opportunity to do so.

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Re: FO:E PnP Roleplay Group (Blue Team)

Post by Ilushia » Tue May 14, 2013 7:19 am

Alright. I think I've got my shopping list for Salix.

1x Light Energy Rifle (238 Caps)
48x Macro Sparkle Cell (144 Caps)
1x Alchemy/Chemistry Kit (50 Caps)
Total Cost: 432 Caps

Conveniently this happens to be the exact number of caps left in the Chrysalis. Didn't actually plan it that way, just turned out that way after doing the math. So, hooray?

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Re: FO:E PnP Roleplay Group (Blue Team)

Post by icekatze » Tue May 14, 2013 12:01 pm

hi hi

With your intuition roll, that cuts the price down to by 30 caps, so there'll still be some amount left in the team pool.

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Re: FO:E PnP Roleplay Group (Blue Team)

Post by icekatze » Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:32 am

hi hi

So, next session there is likely going to be a confrontation between Lucidity, Salix, Sky Shine and some horrible monstrous things. This might take a little bit of time to resolve. For everyone who is not involved in the combat, namely Shady Steps, Thunderbird and Xavi; I encourage you to think of some things that you want to do in the meanwhile and let me know what those things are ahead of time. It could conceivably help me to make your portion of the combat time be more entertaining.

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Re: FO:E PnP Roleplay Group (Blue Team)

Post by icekatze » Sat Jul 13, 2013 1:20 am

hi hi

Just a reminder: Next week (Friday, July 19th) I will be attending a wedding, and so there won't be a game that day. I'll look forward to seeing everyone the week afterwards though. :)

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Re: FO:E PnP Roleplay Group (Blue Team)

Post by Shady_steps » Sun Jul 14, 2013 6:33 am

ok ^^ have fun and watch out for changelings!

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