The salty sea wind blows as you step out of the ship. Sound of crashing waves and creaking wood flows to your ears. NCR soldiers from privates such as you to higher ranking officers walk past you on the docks of the island you were sent to secure and protect. You are one of many sent here by the NCR to investigate the mysterious isolated isles that was discovered just a few months ago by a merchant flying overhead the isles.
Like so many places in the mainland, the sight before you is sad and old; crumbled buildings and rusted metal. Relics of a bygone era that the mainland is rushing to leave behind.
Before you is a rusty, barely standing large sign: Welcome to Furlong Isles

The Necessary Info:
Trouble Up North will be hosted by yours truly and SourCherry - where Sour is in charge of the story, and I'm handling the mechanics. We're looking for either four or five players mainly from the European time zones. The game is set on a group of islands off the coast of Equestria, two years after sunshine and rainbows. Players will be supplied with quests while given freedom to explore the isles provided.
Ruleset in use will be Kkat's Revised Ruleset.
The game will be played through IRC, with Roll20 used to supply cartographic material as well as battlemaps when necessary.
Session logs can/will be supplied by yours truly.
Playable races are Earth Ponies, Unicorns, Pegasi, Griffins, Zebras and their ghoul variants. Should one have a really strong urge to play another race than the ones listed, consult with yours truly.
Characters start from Level 3 with 300 caps worth of inventory from Mad_Modd's Equipment - maximum tier of 2.
At the start of the game, characters are employed by the NCR as troops. That said, homicidal maniacs and chaotic evil slavers are out of the question.
Please use the sheet provided here
Time and Date:
If you're looking to join the game, please add your nickname on the following sheet in cells that you're ready to play on. From there, we can figure out the time to play.
Timetable sheet
As stated previously, this is mainly aimed at the fellows in Europe. Players from other continents who are able to play with Europeans without derailing their sleep schedule - or no longer care about the derailing - are welcome.
IRC rooms:
Link to folder

1. f1r3w4rr10r as Bright Flush
2. RadiantEclipse as Fortune Strike
3. Kittyfluff as Spring
4. Tierney Kelly as Jojo
5. Eden as Veritas
Guest Appearances:
* Eden as Veritas (Sessions 16-18)
Retired Characters:
* Solis - Kichaka (Sessions 1-15)
* Yondalor as "Radio" Star Twinkle (Sessions 1-20)
* Solis as Sheha (Sessions 16-20)
* LZitto as Valkyrie (Sessions 1-43)