Fifteen years since the day of Sunshine and Rainbows. Fifteen years of growing civilisation and new steps being taken forward. Messages sent out across the wastes, asking for any and all to join and contribute to the NCR. Now something new is calling from beyond the wasteland. Something forgotten and lost when Canterlot fell. Something that has been waiting two hundred and fifteen years for the mainland to speak.
"We have returned to save Equestria!"
Commissioned by the NCR, a ship of adventurers, scientists and scavengers is sent to investigate the source of this calling. Are they simply a forgotten group of ponies? Or are they here to "save" Equestria in the same manner as the Enclave? Only one way to be sure...
Timeslot: Fridays, 11:30pm GMT
GM: KendallKun
FloRad as Apricot Tarts
JC as Black Tea
DamnfoolBrony as Iris
TyrannisUmbra as Fleet Fortune
Mister Clacky as Ginger Ails
If any other players would like to play an important NPC or villain, drop the GM a PM to see if something can be sorted out.
Starting Gear:
300 caps, tier 0 & 1 equipment only. 50 caps worth of food items (any unspent is not kept). Background traits are mandatory and do not count towards your maximum of two.
Important stuff:
Revised Ruleset
Mad Modd's Character Sheet
Mad Modd's Perk & Trait List
Mad Modd's Equipment List
"Tea Group" Group Sheet with Wishlist
Extra rules
Food, Water and Sleep: Characters will need to eat one meal (what classifies as a meal is subject to the GM, i.e Gum Drops do not count) and drink two bottles, or equivalent, of liquid a day in order to stay fed and hydrated (at least one bottle of said liquid has to be water every two days). This may change depending on environment. Three days without any water leads to death. Four days without a meal leads to death. Characters must also sleep a cumulative 6 hours of sleep a day minimum in order to get a decent rest. Two days without food or sleep and one day without water will incur a SPECIAL penalty.
Stage one (Two days FOD/SLP, one day WTR): -1 END
Stage two (three days FOD/SLP, two days WTR): -2 END, -1 PER (Sleep only)
Stage three (four days w/o): -3 END, -1 PER, -1 INT
Stage four (five days w/o): -3 END, -1 PER, -1 INT, Must make a END roll before every action to stay awake.
Beyond stage four: If the character still hasn't gotten any sleep after a week, they will begin to hallucinate and/or go insane. Rolls will be decided by the GM at the time.
Races: Please contact the GM if you wish to play an unusual (not pony or griffon) race (such as Alicorn or Hellhound). Changelings can be accepted under special circumstance.
The Gang Leaders By Pantzar